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The word dork has appeared many times in the Homestar Runner universe. One could be directly calling another one this, or doing it in a non-standard way. It's mainly from Strong Bad, but there are other cases.


  • Hairstyle Runner — One of the images in the gallery is titled "Padawon dork."
  • Email studyingStrong Bad tells the sender to "close the book and quit being such a dork-on!!!!!!!"
  • Email vacationStrong Bad sticks a sticky note on his computer that says says "Dorks!"
  • Email E-mail Birds — One of the email senders thinks Homestar is a complete dork and repeats it annoyingly.
  • Halloween Fairstival — One line in Strong Bad's haiku's are "Little brother, dork dork dork."
  • Peasant's Quest — It calls you a dork for trying to go out with someone.
  • TrogdorCon '97 — Strong Bad says that in Strong Sad's case, the Con would be called Trog-dork-on.
  • Bug in Mouth DiseaseStrong Bad yells "Ah-ah-ah! Not today, McDorkle." when Homestar Runner keeps trying to tell him something.
  • Strumstar Hammer — "There were only three contestants left. Another grape was added." Was replaced with "Pom pom put his dork shirt on, Homestar his dump."
  • Email narratorMarzipan says that Homestar Runner looked like a dork with his chef hat on.
  • Email extra plug — Strong Bad calls the sender "HUGE to the DORK."
  • Email [[hygiene[[ — Strong Bad's Email Intro is "Step 1: You check an email down! Step 2: You tell some kid he's a dork!"
  • Email pet show — One of the deleted phrases to abbreviate QLD is "Quiet loser dork."
  • Email buried — Strong Bad calls Strong Sad a "Jurassic dork."
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