From Homestar Runner Wiki
Um...hey. Uh...why the crap are you on my talk page? I've never done anything important or cool. At all. EVER. No really, I've made next to no contributions to the Wiki! I know, SHOCKING! In fact, I'm just here to read almost! It's so sad! It's like you're just sitting there at your computer thinking: "Man, how is it possible for a single person to suck THIS BAD! It's mind blowing! Like literally, reading this talk page is like taking a gun and BLOWING MY MIND OUT! I mean why am I reading this? It's not funny or entertaining! In fact, it's quite disturbing! This deranged person is actually typing up what I'm thinking as I'm thinking it! It's like some kind of weird fourth-wall breaking explosion of social awkardness and cake, except there's no cake!" Though, I may have paraphased that a bit.
So since you're here...for some bizzare reason, I guess I'll continue to ramble on until you either kill yourself or make an extremely large donation to the school district, because they obviously need it if we've got people like me running around the internet. Of course you could be doing a lot worse when it comes to morons on the World Wide Wed. For example, the Irate Gamer, 95% of YouTube commentors, and anybody who thought the Falco's Bread meme was funny. Those are the types of people that we need to tie to some kind of large animal that loves to run through forests full of plants covered in thorns. Wouldn't that be a lovely way to spend an afternoon.
So anyway, most people probably stopped reading this about two paragraphs in, so I can basically say whatever I want. I could even start making up words and nobody would care. I could literally make up a brand new word and use it several time throughout the rest of this article and no one would care, BECAUSE NO ONE IS READING THIS! In fact, I'm going to do that right now. The new word is plotox, it means funny. (FUN DRINKING GAME: Take a sip everytime you see the word plotox. Oh snap, I just said it, TAKE A DRINK FOOL!) So I recently realized that I've gone through this whole rant without once mentioning Homestar Runner, on a website DEDICATED TO HOMESTAR RUNNER. Well I'll just say that I think it's very plotox and it's THUPER KEWL. In fact, it's so plotox that sometimes, I watch it. And then...wait for it...I LAUGH! Imagine that, laughing at something that's plotox. What madness! So anyway, does you wear pants? Me no wear pants, eet feel GOOOOD. Congratulations, if you got that reference, you oficially have earned my undying respect, because it means you still read the comics, or as I like to call them, the plotoxes. See, get it? 'Cause comic means plotox and plotox means funny. FUNNY MEANS JOO LAUGH! HAHAHAHAAA!! LAUGHTER!!! Sorry, I didn't take my medicine this morning.
Speaking of comics, you know what's weird? Comic books are called comic books, yet many of them aren't "comical" and more! I mean, do you find "Watchmen" comical. I should certainly hope not. Except for the comedian, he's hilarious! He kills people, isn't that plotox! Oh wait, that's not really that funny. But if we lived in a parallel universe it would be! In the parallel universe, TV WATCHES YOU! It's like in Soviet Russia except with less communism and with more invisible stuff! Like cats! In the parallel universe, CATS ARE INVISIBLE! How crazy is that!? You know what would make it even more crazy? IF I DIDN'T JUST MAKE THAT UP YOU NIMROD! So I've been sitting here on this giant blue-and-green spinning rock and thinking "Man, some things sure are plotox!" Like platypusseses! Thay have fur and a duck bill! AND THEY LAY EGGS! Are you getting this people!? THEY LAY FREAKING EGGS! HOW COOL IS THAT!? So do echidnas! Like Knuckles! You know, if it weren't for Knuckles, most of us probably wouldn't even know what an echidna is! I remember how me and my sister had to look them up in the dictionary. I was like: "Gee golly whiz, echidna sure is a plotox name for an animal, I wonder what they are." Of course, I didn't say it in those words exactly. You know why. BECAUSE THE WORD PLOTOX DIDN'T EVEN EXIST YET! Remember, I just made it up like 5 minutes ago. Also, I didn't talk like Robin in the 60's Batman show. So anyway, we looked up echidna in the dictionary and we found out that they LAY EGGS! And I was like: "OMGWTFBBQ Ms. Embertson LIED TO ME!!!!!!" Yes, my teacher had liead, she said that mammals cannot lay eggs, but she lied!!! ECHIDNAS LAY EGGS PEOPLE! THEY ARE MAMMALS AND THEY LAY EGGS! That just isn't fair! I want to be able to lay eggs! Oh wait, I'm not a girl. If I were to suddenly change to girl (which be creepy, but very plotox for unlookers), I would want to LAY EGGS! Like Knuckles! I'll bet Knuckles lays eggs! Is Knuckles a girl? I think he is! KNUCKLES IS A TRANSVESTITE EVERYBODY! ALERT THE MEDIA! So then the media will show up and find out and they'll report on it and give me a million dollars which I will then use to buy a hundred thousand golf balls that I will use to pelt people that I don't like. The End.
P.S. Plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox plotox
Ok, I'll stop now, since you're all probably dying of alcohol poisoning.