Peasant's Quest Responses

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Many Easter eggs for the game Peasant's Quest.

Easter Eggs

  • Type "die" and the message "Well, that wasn't very smart. You dead" appears on the page.
  • Type look boat at the lake with the fisherman.
  • Type "Dance on kerrek's grave" and you get a little message.
    • Or, 'dance' will work just about anywhere else.
  • Go to the lantern hanging on the burninated tree during the day, and type "light lantern".
  • Type "throw baby" near the well to get a message. (You don't have to have the baby in your inventory.)
  • If you kick, kill, or punch "poor gary" (the horse), it kills you, then makes fun of you telling you the reason you did it was because you suck at the game.
  • Type "swim" when by the pebbles by the lake
  • Type "look rocks" after using the pebbles.
  • Type 'ride horse' or 'ride poor gary' to get a funny message
  • If you type anything involving the word "cheat", it'll say "meh".
  • Try typing "fry 'em up dan" or anything with the word "dan" in the phrase.
  • When on the screen with the horse, try typing "scare horse" before you have the mask.
  • Type "wear mask" at any other screen before scaring Poor Gary. You'll get a funny message.
  • If you stand between the archer (Dongolev) and the tree he's shooting arrows at, the game will make a sarcastic remark and you'll die.
  • After you're on fire, try getting a room again.
  • When you see the lit lantern try lighting it again
  • If you don't take the Kerrek's belt right away and get the robe and get on fire first, the guard will recognize that you have the robe, but not that you're on fire.
  • If you type "look bush" on the pebble lake west screen, it will respond with "Don't worry about that bush. Yeah, there's red berries on it but never you mind.", then type "look berries" and it reponds "Shut up.", finally type "get berries" and it reponds "NO MAN! JEEZ!"
  • If you look at the SuperTime FunBow on the inventory screen, a blue clickable square will appear to the left, but clicking won't do anything. Maybe an unfinished Easter egg?
    • No, probably an "object" they used in Macromedia Flash to do something with the game. Who knows what it is, but it's too difficult to explain it.
  • Try typing different things like "this sucks", "party", "boo", "drink (something)", "dance" or other stuff. You usually get funny messages. Remember to save first though.
  • Try typing "get bone" in "Cliffland Heights".
    • "Get Skull" also works.
  • After you remove the rock to the cottage, try to crawl inside. The game will say something like "You couldn't fit, even if you chopped off your arms, legs and head". Type "cut off arms, legs, and head", and it will say "I'd like to see you try". Type "try" and you do just that. NOTE: This results in death, so save your game first.
  • Type "climb tree" at any tree.
  • Type "look tree" and "climb tree" at the arrow tree.
  • Try typing just "why".
  • Trying to get pebbles without standing right next to them results in a message.
  • On the screen with the lantern, when you try and take it, it says there's a plaque there. If you try and take the plaque, but spell it as "plague", you get a funny error.
    • Spelling it correctly also gives you a funny message.
  • If you go to the stream (from the waterfall) and type in "swim stream", it will tell you "Peasants can't swim. Like, it's illegal." If you type the same thing in the screen with the waterfall, you get "That waterfall would probably churn you into one of those weight-gain protein smoothies".
  • At the archery place, if you try to take an arrow from the bullseyes/trees ("get arrow"), you'll get an interesting message.
  • Interacting with objects clearly intended only for the landscape (like certain trees or the stump in Poor Gary's screen) often gets you funny messages.
  • Try talking to Gary and the baby (before you get it) for some amusing responses.
  • If you try climbing into the well, a message tells you your insurance doesn't cover that.
  • If you type in "quit" you'll hurt the game's feelings. NOTE: You will still quit, though.
  • Try typing "map" before you get it.
  • Wait a while in the wavy tree area and Naked Ned should appear behind the other tree.
  • Try closing the pantry door in the inn.
  • Try going up to a person and saying "ask about fire", "ask about robe", "ask about smell", "ask about naked ned", or "ask about Trogdor."
  • Try getting the flies on Poor Gary, and you'll get a funny message.
  • On the "load game" screen you see after you die, you can press enter a couple of times and see the death sequence again.
  • Type "Smell" or "sniff" to get a message about the scent of computer games.
  • Type "get broom" in Ned's hut to get a message about the availability of items.
  • Go to the well, and type "turn crank" and then, stand away from the well, and type "turn crank" again, for a funny message.
  • Typing any sort of direction will result in the message, 'Use the arrow keys, pal. Just like a joypad only more like your day job.'
  • Type 'get berries' at the old lady and baby cottage, and they will get squishes in your hand. If you type it again, you get the message "You already searched that bush. It was okay. Nothing to write home about... oh, wait... you don't have a home. My b."
    • Type 'get berries' after finding the super trinket to get a different message.
  • Type 'throw baby' before or after you get the baby while the old man is still in the ocean and the game will say '"That isn't gonna work for bait!" the old man screams, at a needlessly harsh volume.'
    • Actually this works if you try to "throw" anything. Seriously, try it.
  • Type 'throw baby' at the west screen of the lake to get the message "I guess you misread the walkthrough at GameFAQS. You gotta get the baby first."
  • Type "give baby" when you don't have it anymore.
  • Go to the rock home with the note, and type "take note" or "get note", then go to the inn and type the same thing.
  • When you go to the archery table, type "look desk".
  • Try typing "talk" behind the archery desk.
  • At the well, try getting in the bucket yourself, and you'll receive an unflattering comment about your body.
  • While at the well, try typing "use pebbles". Apparently, the game wants you to be more specific.
  • After the baby lady runs away with the jhonka's riches, go back into her cottage and try talking to her.
  • At the lake, after you've already fed the fish for the old man, try throwing the baby and you'll get a funny message.
  • After you've gotten your robe and a room at the inn, try walking in a direction that doesn't lead to the burned lantern tree for a funny message.
  • If you try talking to someone who isn't in the screen or who doesn't exist, the game will say "It's sad when you have to make up people to talk to".
  • Try saying "haldo" to the archer's brother without talking to the archer first. You'll get a funny message.
  • Type "talk kerrek" when it's around for a funny message.
  • Try loading a game while Kerrek is bearing down on you.
  • "make friends with kerrek" and "buy kerrek a cold one" now work in the actual game. (See for kids) Warning: the second one will speed up the Kerrek.
  • Try typing "Throw baby in well" or "Drop baby" for humorous messages.
  • Type "Pet Horse" or "Pet Poor Gary" and you'll get a quite funny message.
  • Try referring to the chicken feed as "gold."
  • When you are in Hidden Glen (the hole in the fence that Gary made), without going off the screen, try going past the fence and up. This should take you to the baby lady's cottage.
  • If you type "sleep" in the cottage with the woman and her baby you will get a funny message.
  • At the fisherman's lake, try "look sand" for a pointless exercise in mathematics.
  • Try typing "put baby in well" instead of typing "put baby in bucket"
  • After scaring Gary, type "wear maskus."
    • The message that appears may be a reference to the movie Fight Club.
  • When you're in Trogdor's lair, before you throw your sword at him, type "kill trogdor", "talk", or "wake up trogdor" for some funny messages.
  • Type "steal dresser" in the cottage with the robe.
  • Type "take chair" in the baby cottage for a funny message.
  • Type "break stump" at poor gary's screen.
  • Type "get old man rub" before you get the pot in the pantry after you wake up.
  • Try typing "Get Arrow" after you kill Kerrek and he begins to rot (you'll probably first see this after you take the riches from the Jhonka.) for a rather interesting message.
  • Type "Get kerrek" for another interesting message.
  • Type "Take/get picture" in the old man's inn to learn something quite interesting about it.
  • If you type "ask about robe" to the lady in the baby lady cottage it will respond sarcastically.
  • If you are at the Mountain Pass, type "attack sign" and you will get a funny message.
  • When you're in the old man's inn type "look paper."
  • When at the hay stack screen type "hug tree" (note: save before, because you will get stuck to the tree)
  • Say "cross river" at any river.
  • There is a black box in the top left corner of the page. It has no purpose as of yet.
  • Once you are on fire, go west a few scenes to hear a funny message about the weather
  • In Naked Ned's cottage, where you get the robe, type "get drawer" for a funny message.
    • Also, try "close drawer" without getting the robe, or "open drawer" or "close drawer" when it's already open or closed.
  • Inside the inn, try "look window."
  • Outside the inn, try "look inn", "look window", and "look sign".
  • Try "look trees" on any screen.
  • After weighing the bucket down with rocks, you can turn the crank on the well ("turn crank") without weighing it down again. Try lowering and raising the bucket.
  • Try killing the Kerrek after he's dead already.
  • If you "cut off head, arms, and legs" at the mysterious cottage, the game will say "thanks for nothing" instead of "thanks for playing".
  • When you reach the top of Trogdor's cliff, type "climb cliff" again. It will give you a funny message.
  • Try typing "say haldo" to any person other than Dongolev. This works even before you talk to Mendelev.
    • That message will appear anywhere, by the way.
  • Type "climb tree" at any tree. The wavy tree near Naked Ned gives you a different message.
  • Typing "sit stump" at Poor Gary gives you a message.
  • After you take berries from a bush, trying to get more berries from that same bush has the game make fun of you.
  • Before the woman gives you the baby, try talking to the baby.
  • Try going all the way to the left side of the screen in the place gary (the horse) breaks open and walk directly up.
  • If you "put baby in bucket" while the baby is already in the well, you will still get more points.
  • If you type "Give super trinket" to the archers if you don't have one, It will give you a message.
  • At Cliffland Heights, try to look at everything. For example, "look lightning", or "look bone", or "look cave".
  • In Trogdor's outer sanctum, also try to look at everything. Such as, "look openings", or "look beaded curtain".
  • In Trogdor's outer sanctum, go in front of one of the openings and type "climb opening" for a funny message about high school.
  • If you said haldo go back to the spot where Poor Gary used to be say "look" and it says "Hey! Theres a Rotten Old Horse Over There!" when there isn't.
  • Try hiding in the haystack before you are covered in mud.
  • Type "take mud" (when it's wet) before and after you are covered in it for interesting messages.
  • See what happens when you don't answer "yes" or "no" to the Jhonka after being asked about the riches.
  • Try to take the bed, rug, and pillow from the old man's inn.
  • Try sleeping in the inn without talking to the man first.
  • While walking in the haystack, go to scenes other than the original haystack screen and the Jhonka screen.
  • Type anything other than "talk" for a short message once Trogdor is awake.
  • Type "get a room" once you're already on fire for a funny message.
  • Before you get the baby, go in the baby lady cottage and type "talk baby" or "get baby" for two funny messages.
  • When you have the baby, throw it in the bucket in the well scene. You can do this again and again for more pionts (but only before getting the sub). Seriously, it works!! TRY IT NOW!
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