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Ever since I was a little child I had always watched while looking over my brother's shoulder, I had watched one of the original shorts of which I did not understand well. Years later I found out that my original short that I watched was Strong Bad Total Journalist. File:SBTJ

Skipping ahead a couple years later in elementary school we were in the computer lab gamming like there was no tomorrow. We originally played The Oregon Trail and Super Munchers(coolest game ever, sorry SBCG4AP). But since some of the computers didn't have these games we all wanted to play RUNESCAPE yet this was banned by our teacher. Some kids demanded the presence of homestarrunner! Cheering for no reason I wondered what was and so did our teacher. Years later I found out that all I did was play some of the games like Feed a Rhino and Secret Collect.

Still not being able to point H*R out of a crowd my brother told me of this cool dragon that he drew on a piece of paper that I had no idea what it was (I know, I know, shame on me). That little dragon turned out to be Trogdor. He showed me how to draw it while using consummate V's I was able to draw a really crappy trogdor. He showed me the sbemail and that was the catalyst to my entrance into the universe. I quickly saw a couple of sbemails (i.e. spent hours on end) seeing the entire website and laughed at the mere sight of homestar's stupidity. I showed my friend the website, which turned out the mistake where he took the homestarrunner universe way too serious and made it less cool. Fortunately we went our separate paths but for the time being we watched the newest sbemails and counted down the minutes it took until the SBEMAIL SOON died and a new sbemail was brought onto the world.

I am here today an emerging high school senior this summer and is still waiting for the H*R to start up again. My reason for this entering into the wiki is in hopes of becoming an administrator rank.

Together we can revive the website and give birth to a new order!

--Indy766 22:07, 10 June 2012 (UTC)indy766

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