From Homestar Runner Wiki
Here's how to format text:
Logical and Physical Tags
These HTML tags can be used to format text by typing <tag>Text</tag>. The physical tags are used when you are merely concerned with appearance. When meaning is meant to be conveyed with the text decoration, use the logical tags.
Physical Tag | Result | Logical Tag |
<b> | bold | <strong>(strongly emphasized)</strong> |
<i> | italic | <em>(normally emphasized)</em> |
<u> | underline | <ins>(if inserted text is intended)</ins> |
<s> | | <del>(if deleted text is intended)</del> |
<big> | big | — |
<small> | small | — |
<sup> | superscript | — |
<sub> | subscript | — |
— | blockquote | <blockquote>(quoting a section of text)</blockquote> |
These color codes can be used to format text by typing <span style="color:(color)">Text</span>. Either the hex code or the color name given can be used. Colors which are not listed should be specified with a hex code.
Hexadecimal Value | Result | Name |
#FF0000 | red | |
#FF3300 | orange | |
#FFFF00 | yellow | |
#00FF00 | lime | |
#00FFFF | cyan | |
#0000FF | blue | |
#003333 | dark cyan | |
#FF00FF | fuchsia | |
#FFFFFF | white | |
#000000 | black |