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Toon Category: Shorts
watch KOT's VOQPCS An Important Rap Song
"Sever your leg please, sir."

Strong Bad and The Cheat try out a model rocket and have a run-in with a drive-thru speaker.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Drive-Thru Whale, Europa-pean Lobster

Places: The Field

Date: Monday, March 19, 2007

Running Time: 2:19

Page Title: Shoots up to 300 feet!

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 3


[edit] Transcript

{Strong Bad and The Cheat are standing in the middle of the field. Strong Bad is holding a toy rocket on the end of a pump.}

STRONG BAD: Oh man, The Cheat. This is gonna be bro-awesome. This thing's gonna shoot all the way up to Europa! And bring us back a couple of Europa-pean lobsters to grill up!

THE CHEAT: {Excited The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: All right. {Pumping the pump} Three... two... one... {He releases the rocket and it falls onto the ground with a raspberry noise. Strong Bad stares at the sky} Look at it go! I can barely see it already an— {notices the rocket lying on the ground} Oh. That was nothing like the back of the box. {Shaking his fist at the sky} Where's my space lobster? {Turns to The Cheat} You know what that means. {Rubs his hands together} It's time to employ... The Compressor!

{Wipe to the same location later on. Strong Bad has attached a noisy air compressor to the rocket, which slowly grows bigger as more air is pumped into it. The compressor has "compressOR" written on the side.}

STRONG BAD: Three... Two... One...

{The rocket flies into the air with a loud boom}

STRONG BAD: Look at it go! {He runs after it} I can almost taste the buttery claw meats!

{Strong Bad runs into a smiling plastic whale with a speaker in its teeth and falls down. A loud WHANG sound effect is heard, along with a soft "Spluuurt" as he slides off}

STRONG BAD: Where'd you come from?

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: {Scratchy and difficult to understand voice} Would you like to try a combo meal?

{Strong Bad stands up and dusts himself off}

STRONG BAD: {uncertain} Uh, sure. But no cheese, and, um, extra sauce?

{The Cheat arrives}

THE CHEAT: {Questioning The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: I don't know. I think I just ordered a combo meal from this—

{The camera cuts back a bit; no hint of a restaurant, other than the speaker, is seen.}

STRONG BAD: —invisible restaurant. You don't have any invisible cash, do you?

{The Cheat puts his hands in his fur where pockets would be, and takes them out again as if holding money}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Whoa, you're loaded! {Strong Bad faces the speaker. Cut to view from inside the Drive-Thru Whale Speaker.} And, uh, let me get a crappy toy meal for my The Cheat here.

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: Nine-seventeen, sever your leg please, sir.

STRONG BAD: {Cut back to view outside Drive-Thru Whale} Could you repeat that? {Shakes head} I thought you just asked me to sever my leg. {Strong Bad shakes his leg as he says this}

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: Sever your leg, please. It's the greatest day.

STRONG BAD: {Incredulous} "Sever my leg"? "It's the greatest day"? I'm not sure I understand the transaction that's taking place here.

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: Please enter your password. {plays a tune while the water from the blow hole moves up and down}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: My The Cheat wants to know what your crappy toy is this week.


STRONG BAD: {To The Cheat} It's brown.

{The Cheat starts to cry}

STRONG BAD: Well, I guess they're out of blue ones!

{The Cheat cries harder}

STRONG BAD: {Angrily at the Drive-Thru Whale} Look what you did!

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: Steve, drive around to the seventh window.

STRONG BAD: What window? You're just a crackly drive-thru whale out in the middle of a field! {The word 'field' echoes and the camera angle switches to show the emptiness of the field} Come on, The Cheat. Let's take our invisible business elsewhere.

{Strong Bad and The Cheat walk away. As soon as they're off screen, the rocket falls back down and breaks open, and a purple lobster with brown spots comes out.}

DRIVE-THRU WHALE: Sever your leg please, sir.

{The lobster makes odd warbled noises and removes one of its claws, and the whale bends down and eats the lobster. One claw remains on the ground. The whale blasts off into space, playing the same tune from earlier. A silhouette of a lobster with "end." written on it appears.}

[edit] Easter Eggs

  • Click on "end." for a scene with Strong Bad and The Cheat at another invisible restaurant.
{Strong Bad and the Cheat are sitting at a cardboard box.}
STRONG BAD: Now this place knows how to invisibly treat a person, The Cheat! {to an invisible waiter} Ah, yes, thank you, Inviso-Jeeves. We'd like another bottle of Château Prétende 1974, please. Oh, and, uh, how 'bout a blue one for my little friend here? {indicates to The Cheat}
THE CHEAT: {flutters his eyes while making pleased The Cheat noises}

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

  • Europa is one of Jupiter's moons, and the possibility of an Earth-like environment in its oceans has periodically led to plans for its exploration. It is the sixth-nearest moon to Jupiter.
  • Château Prétende is (incorrect) French for "Pretend Manor", and is a play on the traditional practice of identifying wines by their estate of origin. (e.g. Château Margaux, Château Latour, etc.) Prétende is a first- and third-person subjunctive form of the French verb "prétendre", which means to claim or profess. The proper French is "faux manoir".

[edit] Remarks

  • The Field has a flatter, more cartoonish look than usual, with streaky clouds in the sky.
  • According to a then-recent National Geographic article, the discovery of a deep-sea lobster in the Pacific Ocean has led scientists to believe that similar organisms may live on Europa.
  • Europa-pean is a portmanteau of Europa and European.
  • The toy rocket returns with the alien lobster inside in just over two minutes. If it was traveling at the speed of light under ideal circumstances (with the two bodies being as close to each other as their orbits allow), the toy rocket would take about 33 minutes to arrive at Europa, and another 33 to return.

[edit] Inside References

  • The way that Strong Bad emphasizes the suffix "or" in "CompressOR" is another instance of -or pronounced with a long O.
  • The fact that the drive-thru whale can play music harks back to what i want, which mentioned music being played from a Dancin' Musical Nobot in "Drive-Thru Stereo".
  • The lobster is identical, with the exception of color, to Gooblies.
  • The whale mentions severing a leg several times.
  • Strong Bad asks for a bottle of Château Prétende 1974.

[edit] Real-World References

  • Strong Bad's Rocket is an exact replica of an actual rocket toy that was popular in the 1970s and 1980s. The pump would increase the air pressure in the rocket. Releasing the lock in the base would allow the pressure to expel water from the bottom and cause the rocket to propel itself into the air.
  • The name "Inviso-Jeeves" follows the trend in popular culture of naming servants "Jeeves", which stems from Reginald Jeeves, the famous valet from P. G. Wodehouse's series of novels.
  • The "crappy toy meal" refers to kids' meals at many fast food franchises, often featuring a cheap plastic toy of some sort.

[edit] Fast Forward

[edit] DVD Version

  • The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch the DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

[edit] Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Strong Bad)


MIKE: Hi, Stro Bro.

STRONG BAD: It's time for the new comment-a-tickle!

MIKE: Comment-a-tickle! All right. So, um... you got one of those water pressure rockets there.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, that thing was a big letdown.

MIKE: Look at this, oh here it goes!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, that's what I thought. And it was like— I mean, come on!

MIKE: {overlapping} I don't think you pumped it up enough.

STRONG BAD: On the box! You should have seen on the box.

MIKE: I don't think you pumped it enough.

STRONG BAD: There was— What?

MIKE: Like, four pumps?

STRONG BAD: Yeah, man! Four... four pumps for one pressure. Each.


STRONG BAD: Yeah. {watches the rocket launch} See, now that's what I'm talkin' about, man. {runs into the Drive-Thru Whale} So, uh, this, this was really unsettling, Mike.

MIKE: The... Drive-Thru Whale?

STRONG BAD: Yeah. What— Was it from some sort of seafood restaurant or something?

MIKE: Uhh... That serves whale?

STRONG BAD: Ewwww! Maybe. Maybe that'd be good. Blubber sandwiches.

MIKE: {laughing} Yeah?

STRONG BAD: Blubb-O's maybe it'd be called. {pause} But later on, doesn't this guy show up in Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Land?

MIKE: He does!

STRONG BAD: So does that mean he's from that weird dimension?

MIKE: He might. He, he sounds like he might be, b— by what he says. He's kinda... He doesn't make very much sense.

STRONG BAD: Yeah. Like everything about Sweet Cuppin' Cakes.

MIKE: Right.

STRONG BAD: This is a jammin' tune, though.

{Mike and Strong Bad scat and beat-box along with the Drive-Thru Whale's song}

STRONG BAD: {still to the tune of the Drive-Thru Whale's song} Grumblin' grumblin' down! Grumblin' grumblin' up! Now I'm grumblin', I'm grumblin' it down!

MIKE: What do you think the toy was? You just said that the toy was brown.

STRONG BAD: I think it was, like... it was a horse with a sh— milkshake on it. On its back.

MIKE: But it was all brown?

STRONG BAD: It was all brown.

MIKE: Painted brown one piece of molded plastic?

STRONG BAD: Yeah, they didn't paint it. They didn't do two-tones.

MIKE: That sounds pretty good, though.


MIKE: A horse with a milkshake on its back?

STRONG BAD: The Cheat was not impressed.

MIKE: But it's a good series! What do you think the other toys in that series were?

STRONG BAD: Uhh... well, there'd be the fish... with a duck {laughing} in its mouth.

MIKE: {laughing} Okay.

STRONG BAD: French fries wearing a diaper.

MIKE: Uh-huh.

STRONG BAD: Did that thing just go to space?

MIKE: Ahh, I don't know what happened at the end, there.

[edit] Fun Facts

  • PSI stands for "pounds per square inch" and is a common unit of pressure.
  • "Grumblin' down" is a phrase from Grumblecakes.
  • Strong Bad's prediction was later proven right in nightlife and Blubb-O's Commercial.
  • Strong Bad wondering if the Drive-Thru Whale may have come from Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Land likely refers to the whale being one of the courses in Sweet Puttin' Cakes in mini-golf.

[edit] External Links

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