Halloween Hide & Seek Responses

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m (This tree...: Speaking of something I missed because it went by too fast...)
(Ending: move'd from main game page. also Jay! did you know if you click outside of the game box it will auto-pause?)
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===The King of Town===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''COACH Z:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''STRONG MAD:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''STRONG SAD:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''BUBS:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''MARZIPAN:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''HOMSAR:''' My zapruder just--
'''STRONG BAD:''' The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!
'''THE KING OF TOWN:''' Are you all done?
'''THE KING OF TOWN:''' Cause I'ma get back to bouncin.
'''THE KING OF TOWN:''' Gotta get my steps in for the day!
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Are you that neon sign from Las Vegas, Marzipan?
'''MARZIPAN:''' No, I'm whatever Strong Sad told me to dress up as.
'''STRONG SAD:''' Trixie the Giraffe-necked--
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Oh! A neon sign from Las Vegas for a depressing 70's casino that is somehow still operating.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Prolly called the Silver Panache.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Got it. Moving on.
===Strong Bad===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Oh look! It's Grandmaw Strong Bane in her recliner, hooked up to her oxygen so she can play Boggle with her pal Eula Mae.
'''STRONG SAD:''' Sludge Vohaul was from the great era of Villains Needing Some Kind of Mechanized Respiratory Assistance.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Right, rick. The VNSKOMRA era.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Came right after the Plasticene Era.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Man, I loved tryin to eat that stuff when I was a kid.
'''BUBS:''' Guilty as charged!
===The Poopsmith===
'''STRONG BAD:''' The Poopsmith, did you even dress up?
'''STRONG BAD:''' Or do you just naturally look like that creep from that game
'''STRONG BAD:''' where you don't really do anything but then that one guy's head gets chopped off.
'''THE POOPSMITH:''' "No way, this costume's legit!"
'''THE POOPSMITH:''' "I watched hours of Australian kids' tutorial videos to make these fake warts on my face out of hot glue."
'''THE POOPSMITH:''' "and hot whatsit."
'''STRONG BAD:''' A-jibblie jibblie!
===Pom Pom===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' I really really like your copy protection costume, Pom Pom.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' I always loved adventure vidya games that came with those spinny-disc things.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Those were always the hardest puzzles. I could never actually solve one though.
'''STRONG BAD:''' So, wait you're saying you never got past the copy-protection to play the actual games?
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' The spinny-disc IS the game Strong Bad.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' The super fun game that cost $49.95.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Just like those other super fun games that would ask you the 9th word of the 3rd paragraph of page 22 of the manual.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' That one was my all-time fav. I wish they still made games like that.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Homsar, I love, love, LOVE that droopy Pikmin costume!
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' I was gonna be that 12 years ago,
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' 9 years ago,
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' 5 years ago,
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' and a hundred years ago, but you beat me to it.
'''HOMSAR:''' I spilled botanicula all over my workbook.
===Strong Mad===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Say Strong Mad.
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' I really like your Goron dressed up as Speed Racer costume.
'''STRONG BAD:''' I think you got the wrong game there, buddy.
'''STRONG BAD:''' Nope.
'''STRONG MAD:''' Um...
'''STRONG BAD:''' You're gettin further away.
'''STRONG BAD:''' Of course you are, dear.
'''STRONG BAD:''' Bubs, are you that Limozeen roadie who has to string Gary's 4-and-a half necked guitar before each show?
'''STRONG BAD:''' That guy is a legend.
'''BUBS:''' No, I'm dressed up as--
'''STRONG BAD:''' And one time an ENTIRE groupie got caught in his strings!
'''STRONG BAD:''' And it was like right before Gary was supposed to go out on stage
'''STRONG BAD:''' to perform his 30 minute guitar solo entitled "Fretbleedgion II."
'''BUBS:''' Shut UP, man!
'''BUBS:''' I'm Hoagie!
'''BUBS:''' I keep my hands in my pockets and you can see my buttcrack!
'''BUBS:''' It's funny!
''{Bubs turns around to display his buttcrack.}''
===The Cheat===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Can you do any tricks on that sk8board The Ch8? A reverse poofy 180 to slackjaw maybe?
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Whabou a sideflip grind-a-muffin?
'''STRONG BAD:''' Pffft! You poser! Those aren't real skate moves.
'''STRONG BAD:''' If I wasn't stuck in this chair I'd get up and show you all the latest skateboard maneuverings.
'''STRONG SAD:''' "Latest skateboard maneuverings"?
'''STRONG SAD:''' I'm sure that's what all the kids call 'em these days.
'''STRONG SAD:''' Name one.
'''STRONG BAD:''' Um... a...
'''STRONG BAD:''' Jump...
'''STRONG BAD:''' Do?
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Aw dang! You can Jump Do?
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' I once knew this kid, he tried to invert his Jump Do on those concrete planter thingies at the mall...
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Busted his head, man. Busted his head.
===Coach Z===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Queen Latifah again, Coach Z? I knew you'd eventually have to start double dippin in the old school hip-hop costume bowl.
'''COACH Z:''' Naw, I'm Malcolm, the sometimes hideously 3D rendered court jester!
'''COACH Z:''' Kyrandia 3 had a slammin hip hop theme song!
'''COACH Z:''' It was like "Doom chewa chewa chewa 'C'mon y'all!"
'''COACH Z:''' I used to freestyle over those dope beats!
'''STRONG BAD:''' Yeah, sounds real dope.
===Strong Sad===
'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Hey Strong Sad, I really like your Jeff Foxworthy costume.
'''STRONG BAD:''' I thought he was just dressed as "Most Guys From Saskatoon."
'''MARZIPAN:''' More like "Library Science Degree 1991 Personified."
'''STRONG SAD:''' No no! I'm Mike Dawson a successful ad exec who buys an old mansion and gets an alien embryo implanted in his brain!
'''STRONG SAD:''' And he has to defeat the sinister Ancients from the Dark World and--
[[Category:Video Game Responses]]
[[Category:Video Game Responses]]

Revision as of 06:14, 30 October 2021

These are all of the responses in Halloween Hide & Seek.

Spoiler warning: Plot or ending details follow.


Title screen

{A "Made with Unity" logo, followed by a Videlectrix logo (with "idelectrix" written below a giant V) appear in turn. Cut to silhouettes of the main characters.}

Halloween Hide & Seek
a "playable" ween "toon"
Made with Unity and Adventure Creator.
Click anywheres to start

{The last two lines alternate every few seconds until the screen is clicked. From here on out, a score out of 11 is displayed in the upper-right.}


{Homestar Runner walks into the Spooky Woods and looks around.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw man! Everybody hid before I could see how they dressed up this year! How will I tell them how much I really like their [INSERT INCORRECT INTERPRETATION] costume?! That's like half my whole deal! I gotta go find everybody everybody!

Generic Item Use Messages


HOMESTAR RUNNER: No need for a ladder there.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Why should I punkinate that?

Whatsit Dipped Punkin

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I feel like this grodybomb has one specific purpose. And that ain't it, kid.

Car Key

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and and say this prolly needs to be used on a car.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: That doesn't need the nastiest thing ever.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: I just can't dig it!


HOMESTAR RUNNER: That doesn't need any bouncin.

Jibblies Painting

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I don't need to give THAT the Jibblies.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: That doesn't need to get totally shredded.

Spooky Woods



{first time only}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: A treehole! I love peepin in treeholes! Hey! There's an old car key in here! It's a cartreekeyhole!
{The Car Key is added to the inventory.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Now it's just full of old dead cool stuff that I can't click on.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Naw, I don't need to get up in this tree. I can tell what a drag it is from down here. No leaves, no fruit, not even a wretched old crow to pluck out bits o' my brain.

Jibblies Painting

{Homestar places the painting on the tree over the hole.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: There. I hung it up. It's still terrifying. I'ma take it down.
{Homestar removes the painting from the tree.}

Any other item

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I don't need to put anything in the treehole.

Spooky, Leafy Tree


{before Strong Sad has been found}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh hey, Mother Brain. How's it amygdalin'?
OFFSCREEN VOICE: I'm not a brain! I'm a spooky tree with dramatic Halloween lighting! Er- I mean, never mind. Trees can't talk! Now leemee lone!

{after Strong Sad has been found}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: This thing is either the end boss from a shmup or a giant broccoli. Or both!


{Homestar places the ladder along the tree}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: The ladder's the best way to get up inst.

Jibblies Painting

{before Strong Sad has been found}
OFFSCREEN VOICE: No way. Get that thing away from me. Er, from us. The collective tree consciousness, I mean. Cause I'm just a tree and go away.

{after Strong Sad has been found}

Any other item

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That is simply NOT a very good idea.


{This appears if the cursor is moved to the top of the tree, but cannot be interacted with.}



HOMESTAR RUNNER: Should I get that ladder? Or use that ladder? Syd Getman or Syd Useman?
Syd Getman!
{Homestar picks up the ladder and places it in the inventory}
Syd Useman!
{Homestar climbs the ladder, placing him Inside the Spooky, Leafy Tree.}

Any item

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The only thing I need to use with that ladder is my own dang self!

To The Field

{Homestar walks to The Field}

To Bubs' Concession Stand

{Homestar walks to Bubs' Concession Stand}

Inside the Spooky, Leafy Tree

Upon entering (first time only)

{Homestar walks up on an enormous branch with similarly-enormous leaves}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: It is WAY more spacious up here than I thought! I love King's Quest spatial physics!

Strong Sad


{A dialogue tree appears. Each option disappears after use, and the dialogue tree cannot be exited until "Found You" is selected.}
You look shady!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Gee, Strong Sad, you sure look shady! All blazered up and hiding in a tree that doesn't obey the laws of time and space. One might think...
STRONG SAD: Don't say it...
HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...that you were tying to sell me...
STRONG SAD: Don't finish that sentence!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Some Witch's Brew!!
This tree...
HOMESTAR RUNNER: So what is the actual deal with this tree?
STRONG SAD: Oh, you know, just your standard threshold between realms. Where reality is thin and the Other Side begins to poke through. It might make your wildest fantasies come true, or it might drive you MAD!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I said "the actual deal."
STRONG SAD: I dunno. Prolly some forced perspective or summat.
Found You
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I found you totally found you, Strong Sad! Now to reveal your weirdly pedestrian costume!
STRONG SAD: My soul is ready.
{A screen appears while a jingle plays. "You found Strong Sad as Mike Dawson (Darkseed)". Strong Sad disappears and a point is added.}

Any item

STRONG SAD: Please don't foist that upon me. I have a strict no-foisting policy.


{Homsar falls out of the tree and lands on the branch in front of Homestar}
HOMSAR: aaaAAAAAaaaaa'm a reeeal found object. I right-clicked when I shoulda lept.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, I just found you so you can leap to this splash screen!
{A screen appears while a jingle plays. "You found Homsar as Gnome (Samorost)". Homsar disappears and a point is added.}

Climb back down

{Homestar returns to the Spooky Woods}

Bubs' Concession Stand

Behind Bubs' Concession Stand

On top of Bubs' Concession Stand

Outside the King of Town's Castle

Inside the King of Town's Castle

The Field

Marzipan's House


The King of Town

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

COACH Z: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

STRONG MAD: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

STRONG SAD: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

BUBS: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

MARZIPAN: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

HOMSAR: My zapruder just--

STRONG BAD: The King of Town is no-armed space Grimace!

THE KING OF TOWN: Are you all done?

THE KING OF TOWN: Cause I'ma get back to bouncin.

THE KING OF TOWN: Gotta get my steps in for the day!


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Are you that neon sign from Las Vegas, Marzipan?

MARZIPAN: No, I'm whatever Strong Sad told me to dress up as.

STRONG SAD: Trixie the Giraffe-necked--

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh! A neon sign from Las Vegas for a depressing 70's casino that is somehow still operating.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Prolly called the Silver Panache.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Got it. Moving on.

Strong Bad

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh look! It's Grandmaw Strong Bane in her recliner, hooked up to her oxygen so she can play Boggle with her pal Eula Mae.

STRONG SAD: Sludge Vohaul was from the great era of Villains Needing Some Kind of Mechanized Respiratory Assistance.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Came right after the Plasticene Era.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Man, I loved tryin to eat that stuff when I was a kid.

BUBS: Guilty as charged!

The Poopsmith

STRONG BAD: The Poopsmith, did you even dress up?

STRONG BAD: Or do you just naturally look like that creep from that game

STRONG BAD: where you don't really do anything but then that one guy's head gets chopped off.

THE POOPSMITH: "No way, this costume's legit!"

THE POOPSMITH: "I watched hours of Australian kids' tutorial videos to make these fake warts on my face out of hot glue."

THE POOPSMITH: "and hot whatsit."

STRONG BAD: A-jibblie jibblie!

Pom Pom

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I really really like your copy protection costume, Pom Pom.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I always loved adventure vidya games that came with those spinny-disc things.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Those were always the hardest puzzles. I could never actually solve one though.

STRONG BAD: So, wait you're saying you never got past the copy-protection to play the actual games?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The spinny-disc IS the game Strong Bad.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The super fun game that cost $49.95.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Just like those other super fun games that would ask you the 9th word of the 3rd paragraph of page 22 of the manual.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That one was my all-time fav. I wish they still made games like that.


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Homsar, I love, love, LOVE that droopy Pikmin costume!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I was gonna be that 12 years ago,

HOMESTAR RUNNER: 9 years ago,

HOMESTAR RUNNER: 5 years ago,

HOMESTAR RUNNER: and a hundred years ago, but you beat me to it.

HOMSAR: I spilled botanicula all over my workbook.

Strong Mad


HOMESTAR RUNNER: I really like your Goron dressed up as Speed Racer costume.


STRONG BAD: I think you got the wrong game there, buddy.





STRONG BAD: You're gettin further away.


STRONG BAD: Of course you are, dear.


STRONG BAD: Bubs, are you that Limozeen roadie who has to string Gary's 4-and-a half necked guitar before each show?

STRONG BAD: That guy is a legend.

BUBS: No, I'm dressed up as--

STRONG BAD: And one time an ENTIRE groupie got caught in his strings!

STRONG BAD: And it was like right before Gary was supposed to go out on stage

STRONG BAD: to perform his 30 minute guitar solo entitled "Fretbleedgion II."

BUBS: Shut UP, man!

BUBS: I'm Hoagie!

BUBS: I keep my hands in my pockets and you can see my buttcrack!

BUBS: It's funny!

{Bubs turns around to display his buttcrack.}

The Cheat

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Can you do any tricks on that sk8board The Ch8? A reverse poofy 180 to slackjaw maybe?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Whabou a sideflip grind-a-muffin?

STRONG BAD: Pffft! You poser! Those aren't real skate moves.

STRONG BAD: If I wasn't stuck in this chair I'd get up and show you all the latest skateboard maneuverings.

STRONG SAD: "Latest skateboard maneuverings"?

STRONG SAD: I'm sure that's what all the kids call 'em these days.

STRONG SAD: Name one.

STRONG BAD: Um... a...



HOMESTAR RUNNER: Aw dang! You can Jump Do?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I once knew this kid, he tried to invert his Jump Do on those concrete planter thingies at the mall...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Busted his head, man. Busted his head.

Coach Z

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Queen Latifah again, Coach Z? I knew you'd eventually have to start double dippin in the old school hip-hop costume bowl.

COACH Z: Naw, I'm Malcolm, the sometimes hideously 3D rendered court jester!

COACH Z: Kyrandia 3 had a slammin hip hop theme song!

COACH Z: It was like "Doom chewa chewa chewa 'C'mon y'all!"

COACH Z: I used to freestyle over those dope beats!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, sounds real dope.

Strong Sad

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey Strong Sad, I really like your Jeff Foxworthy costume.

STRONG BAD: I thought he was just dressed as "Most Guys From Saskatoon."

MARZIPAN: More like "Library Science Degree 1991 Personified."

STRONG SAD: No no! I'm Mike Dawson a successful ad exec who buys an old mansion and gets an alien embryo implanted in his brain!

STRONG SAD: And he has to defeat the sinister Ancients from the Dark World and--



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