Skills of an Artist

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(Add YouTube descriptions, a couple links)
(Transcripts: only editing words, not (currently) bothering with trying to document pauses and vocal FX)
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<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Welcome back to another "Skills of an Artist"! ''{the title appears on screen}'' Today, I'm gonna teach you guys to draw... a sammich! ''{quickly, disinterested}'' I make drawing fun! ''{normally}'' We start out with... a squishtangle. ''{draws three sides of a rough parallelogram, making sound effects as he does so, omitting the top}'' First we drew the tangles... ''{darkens his first line}'' ...and then we give it the squish. ''{draws a loop that closes off the top of the shape}'' Kinda looks like a chef's hat... moving rapidly this way... ''{gestures right}'' Preeow! And now, to give it some depth, we add four shortened pizangs. ''{draws lines that make up the edges and sides of the bread}'' Aw, look at that. ''{adds hatching lines across the sides of the bread}'' That piece of bread is jumpin' right off the page! And now, we add some dotties ''{adds several dots to the top of the bread}'' that are like the air bubbles from the leavening process... y'know what I'm sayin'? Now for the toppings. ''{starts adding a spiky shape around the bread, resembling lettuce}'' First we do some lettuce... kinda looks like the bread is being electrocuted... ''{makes sizzling noises}'' And now we'll put on the meats. ''{starts drawing loops around the edges}'' Got some salami... some pastrami... and some seasoned fortulami<!-- what? That's not right -->... Look at that. Spillin' all out on the sides... And now for the main course, which is a severed pig's head. ''{draws the outline of a very large pig's head below everything else}'' Here it comes. Oh, Oinkers! It had to be done... ''{gives the pig X'd out eyes}'' make forth my sammich. And uh, you know. I like to reattach the tail... ''{draws a curly pig tail connected to the back of its head}'' the head. For dramatic effect. Okay, so, this is not very centered on the page... with the bottom slice of bread... ''{draws a quick bread slice underneath the head}'' And up here, it's gonna be me! ''{draws a large oval just above the sammich, and starts crudely drawing his face on it}'' I dunno. Somebody gotta eat this sammich. ''{makes sound effects as he draws, then draws a disproportionately large open mouth with teeth}'' Look at that hideous maw! Ready to chew down on some tender jowls. ''{draws round boxing gloves around the sammich and adds shading to the inside of the mouth}'' And that's how you draw a ham sammich. ''{starts writing "THAT'S IT!!" next to his drawing}'' See you next time for more "Skills of an Artist"!
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Welcome back to another "Skills of an Artist"! ''{the title appears on screen}'' Today, I'm gonna teach you guys how to draw... a sammich! ''{quickly, disinterested}'' I make drawing fun! ''{normally}'' We start out with... a squishtangle. ''{draws three sides of a rough parallelogram, making sound effects as he does so, omitting the top}'' First we drew the tangles... ''{darkens his first line}'' ...and then we give it the squish. ''{draws a loop that closes off the top of the shape}'' Kinda looks like a chef's hat... moving rapidly this way... ''{gestures right}'' Preeow! And now, to give it some depth, we add four shortened pizangs. ''{draws lines that make up the edges and sides of the bread}'' Aw, look at that. ''{adds hatching lines across the sides of the bread}'' That piece of bread is jumpin' right off the page! And now, we add some dotties ''{adds several dots to the top of the bread}'' that are like the air bubbles from the leavening process... y'know what I'm sayin'? Now for the toppings. ''{starts adding a spiky shape around the bread, resembling lettuce}'' First we do some lettuce... kinda looks like the bread is being electrocuted... ''{makes sizzling noises}'' And now we'll put on the meats. ''{starts drawing loops around the edges}'' We got some salami... some pastrami... and some seasoned fortulami<!-- what? That's not right -->... Look at that. Spillin' all out on the sides... And now for the main course, which is a severed pig's head. ''{draws the outline of a very large pig's head below everything else}'' Here it comes. Oh, Oinkers! It had to be done... ''{gives the pig X'd out eyes}'' make forth my sammich. And uh, you know. I like to reattach the tail... ''{draws a curly pig tail connected to the back of its head}'' the head. For dramatic effect. Okay, so, this is not very centered on the page... Put the bottom slice of bread... ''{draws a quick bread slice underneath the head}'' And up here, it's gonna be me! ''{draws a large oval just above the sammich, and starts crudely drawing his face on it}'' I'unno. Somebody gotta eat this sammich. ''{makes sound effects as he draws, then draws a disproportionately large open mouth with teeth}'' Look at that hideous maw! Ready to chew down on some tender jowls. ''{draws round boxing gloves around the sammich and adds shading to the inside of the mouth}'' And that's how you draw a ham sammich. ''{starts writing "THAT'S IT!!" next to his drawing}'' So... that's it! See you next time for more "Skills of an Artist"!
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<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Welcome back to more "Skills of an Artist"! ''{the title appears on screen}'' Today, by popular demand, we're gonna draw... a roll of posh toilet paper! ''{in a sing-song<!-- how would you describe this? --> voice}'' I make drawing fun! ''{normal voice}'' Here we go! First of all, we need to make a squanched oval for the top. ''{draws an oval}'' Squaaanch it out... and then inside, a similar squanched oval. ''{draws another oval inside the first}'' Or it kinda looks like a squished Strong Sad head. ''{draws Strong Sad eyes in the first oval and fills in the second to look like a mouth; imitating Strong Sad}'' Ohh, ohhh, I've been squaaanched! ''{normal voice}'' Look, we can turn this into... what we need! ''{turns the Strong Sad eyes into two curvy lines, and draws the same curvy lines on the other side}'' These are just some of the rimulets... of the different plies of TP. All right. Now a couple of side-takes. ''{draws the sides of the toilet paper}'' And then, a bottom closemout. ''{draws the bottom}'' Look at that. It's already coming together. Now, so this thing is unfurled. ''{draws two curvy lines on the right side}'' Look at that. A curvemups... a curvemups... and another side-take! ''{draws the side of the paper}'' See that? Hey look, this is a little... scrimmage piece. ''{draws a dotted line on the paper}'' See, the perforation is right here. I don't know who ripped it off... in between perfs. ''{draws a zigzag on the edge of the paper so it appears to be ripped in half}'' But that person can no longer use my toilets. ''{draws another dotted line on the roll}'' All right... look at this thing! Now, we've got to make it posh. The only way to do that, you guessed it, is an ascot! ''{begins to draw an ascot below the roll}'' Oh man... this thing is totally wearin' an ascot! Look at tha&mdash; huh? You know what, nevermind. It's a kitty. ''{draws whiskers, eyes, and cat ears on the ascot}'' Let's just make it a kitty. ''{draws arms holding up the toilet paper}'' Ohh, this kitty! He's holding up some toilet paper! Do it, kitty! So there you have it. What could be more posh than having a cat give you your toilet paper for each wipe? See you next time! ''{cut to black}''
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Welcome back to more "Skills of an Artist"! ''{the title appears on screen}'' Today, by popular demand, we're gonna draw... a roll of posh toilet paper! ''{sings in a exaggeratedly nasal<!-- how would you describe this? --> voice}'' I make drawing fun! ''{normal voice}'' Here we go! First of all, we need to make a squanched oval for the top. ''{draws an oval}'' Squaaanch it out... and then inside, a similar squanched oval. ''{draws another oval inside the first}'' Or it kinda looks like a squished Strong Sad head. ''{draws Strong Sad eyes in the first oval and fills in the second to look like a mouth; imitating Strong Sad}'' Ohh, ohhh, I've been squaaanched! ''{normal voice}'' Look, we can turn this into... what we need! ''{turns the Strong Sad eyes into two curvy lines, and draws the same curvy lines on the other side}'' These are just some of the rimulets... of the different plies of TP. All right. Now a couple of side-takes. ''{draws the sides of the toilet paper}'' And then, a bottom close-'em-up. ''{draws the bottom}'' Look at that. It's already coming together. Now, so this thing is unfurling. ''{draws two curvy lines on the right side}'' Look at that. Curve-'em-ups... curve-'em-ups... and another side-take! ''{draws the side of the paper}'' See that? And look, this is a little... scrimmage piece, ''{draws a dotted line on the paper}'' so the perforation is right here. I don't know who ripped it off... in between perfs. ''{draws a zigzag on the edge of the paper so it appears to be ripped in half}'' But that person can no longer use my toilets. ''{draws another dotted line on the roll}'' All right... look at this thing! Now, we've got to make it posh. The only way to do that, you guessed it, is an ascot! ''{begins to draw an ascot below the roll}'' Oh man... this thing is totally wearin' an ascot! Look at tha&mdash; huh? You know what, nevermind. It's a kitty. ''{draws whiskers, eyes, and cat ears on the ascot}'' Let's just make it a kitty. ''{draws arms holding up the toilet paper}'' Ohh, this kitty! He's holding up some toilet paper! Do it, kitty! So there you have it. What could be more posh than having a cat give you your toilet paper for each wipe? See you next time! ''{cut to black}''
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''{Fade to later; the picture has shading and some new details.}''
''{Fade to later; the picture has shading and some new details.}''
'''STRONG BAD:''' Oh, man. This thing could be like, somebody's graduation announcement! ''{quietly, writing "Class of '88!!"}'' Suh<!--?-->... class... of... '88! ''{normal voice}'' Cannonmouth! The new classic!
'''STRONG BAD:''' Oh, man. This thing could be like, somebody's graduation announcement! ''{quietly, writing "Class of '88!!"}'' See... Class... of... '88! ''{normal voice}'' Cannonmouth! The new classic!
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<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Weclome back to more Skills of an Artist! ''{the title appears onscreen}'' Today is alliteration day! We're gonna draw: Strong Sad's severed soolnds! Let's go! I make drawing, dot-dot-dot! ''{video cut}'' Everybody, ''{draws two rough vertical lines next to each other}'' side-take your hearts out! ''{makes sound effects for the second line}'' And then we do a close-'em-up here... ''{draws a curved bottom of the shape}'' Look like a little smile... just a... teeny smile... hrrmm? ''{video cut}'' And now, some vaunted humps. ''{draws two hump shapes connected to the bottom}'' These are his weird, giant, chitinous toenails. Now, let's sever this mug! Okay. ''{starts drawing a zig-zagged, curved line, closing the top off}'' I'd definitely use the serrated knife... so let's make the incision here... oh yeah, that looks so good... ''{draws a smoother curve within the zig-zagged line; video cut; he starts drawing a cartoon-y bone sticking out of the severed surface}'' Now, here's his tib... fibula... leg... it's his leg bone. ''{video cut; he has now closed off the top completely and added curved lines surrounding the bone}'' And, you couldn't make a cut like that without&mdash; ''{draws a drip down the side of the leg}'' eurrh, a little mess. Just a little mess. ''{video cut; he has now added hatch shading to the leg, toenails, and bone}'' Ah, since this is Strong Sad, he's got to be casting a pall. ''{draws a shadow off to the right out of hatch lines}'' Look at that pall. ''{darkens it with a squiggly line; video cut}'' But you can't leave a drawing like this lying around your house! What if mom comes in? So, now we get clever! ''{video cut; he adds dots resembling doorknobs to the toenails}'' Okay, let's see, here's a doorknob... ''{adds vertical lines down the "doors"}'' Oh, these are some lovely... wooden doors... ''{video cut; he has added a rectangle above them}'' These are... the chefs'... bafrooms... ''{writes "Chefs Bafrooms" on the rectangle}'' Because this is a chef's hat! ''{decorates the bone on the top to look more like a chef's hat}'' You know what I'm sayin'? Look! ''{draws an arrow pointing to it and writes:}'' Chef's hat! Mom will never suspect a thing! And uh, this blood is, uh... ''{draws another arrow pointing to the blood drip and writes:}'' marinara! Of course. Because this place is for chefs to use the bathroom! So, naturally there'd be a little... ''{draws a small café awning to the left side}'' café over here... ''{video cut; he adds quick chairs and a table underneath}'' little bistro... Look at that! ''{gestures broadly to the board}'' Mom will never know the difference! ''{writes five S's underneath the drawing as he speaks}'' Strong Sad's soft severed soolnds... er, you could just tell mom that this "sssss"... that's the sound of the people&mdash; the chefs! Peeing! In the restroom! That's great, she'll love it! Okay! See you next time!
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' Weclome back to more Skills of an Artist! ''{the title appears onscreen}'' Today is alliteration day! We're gonna draw: Strong Sad's severed soolnds! Let's go! I make drawing, dot-dot-dot! ''{video cut}'' Everybody, ''{draws two rough vertical lines next to each other}'' side-take your hearts out! ''{makes sound effects for the second line}'' And then we do a close-'em-up here... ''{draws a curved bottom of the shape}'' Look like a little smile... just a... teeny smile... hrrmm? ''{video cut}'' And now, some vaunted humps. ''{draws two hump shapes connected to the bottom}'' These are his weird, giant, chitinous toenails. Now, let's sever this mug! Okay. ''{starts drawing a zig-zagged, curved line, closing the top off}'' I'd definitely use the serrated knife... so let's make the incision here... oh yeah, that looks so good... ''{draws a smoother curve within the zig-zagged line; video cut; he starts drawing a cartoon-y bone sticking out of the severed surface}'' Now, here's his tib... fibula... leg... it's his leg bone. ''{video cut; he has now closed off the top completely and added curved lines surrounding the bone}'' And, you couldn't make a cut like that without&mdash; ''{draws a drip down the side of the leg}'' eurrh, a little mess. Just a little mess. ''{video cut; he has now added hatch shading to the leg, toenails, and bone}'' Uh, since this is Strong Sad, it's gonna be casting a pall. ''{draws a shadow off to the right out of hatch lines}'' Look at that pall. ''{darkens it with a squiggly line; video cut}'' But you can't leave a drawing like this lying around your house! What if Mom comes in? So, now we get clever! ''{video cut; he adds dots resembling doorknobs to the toenails}'' Okay, let's see, here's a doorknob... ''{adds vertical lines down the "doors"}'' Oh, these are some lovely... wooden doors... ''{video cut; he has added a rectangle above them}'' These are... the chefs'... bafrooms... ''{writes "Chefs Bafrooms" on the rectangle}'' Because this is a chef's hat! ''{decorates the bone on the top to look more like a chef's hat}'' You know what I'm sayin'? Look! ''{draws an arrow pointing to it and writes:}'' Chef's hat! Mom will never suspect a thing! And uh, this blood is, uh... ''{draws another arrow pointing to the blood drip and writes:}'' marinara! Of course. Because this place is for chefs to use the bathroom! So, naturally there'd be a little... ''{draws a small café awning to the left side}'' café over here... ''{video cut; he adds quick chairs and a table underneath}'' little bistro... Look at that! ''{gestures broadly to the board}'' Mom will never know the difference! ''{writes five S's underneath the drawing as he speaks}'' Strong Sad's soft severed soolnds... and you could just tell mom that this "sssss"... that's the sound of the people&mdash; the chefs! Peeing! In the restroom! That's great, she'll love it! Okay! See you next time!
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<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
<includeonly>''{Cut to a red boxing glove holding a marker in front of a whiteboard designed to look like lined paper; the music from [[dragon]] plays}''
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' On today's Skills of an Artist, we're gonna draw one of my ''{title appears onscreen}'' oft-requested specialties: the ''{prounouncing the "c"}'' muscleman. Here we go! We start with a little seagull... ''{draws two wide humps in a basic seagull shape}'' Caw, caw! And the reflection of that seagull. ''{draws a mirrored seagull shape underneath}'' And he's spitting on his reflection... ''{draws a vertical line from the center point of the first seagull down through the second one}'' And now an underjohn. ''{draws an upside-down bump from the second seagull, passing through the vertical line}'' And a second-tier underjohn. ''{adds a smaller one underneath}'' And a third-tier underjohn! ''{adds a third, even smaller}'' And now for to fill out these abs... ''{starts drawing bumpy lines to either side of the "underjohns"}'' some cheese curds. And some more cheese curds there. ''{He has now drawn two "cheese curds" on either side, and the drawing now resembles a heavily muscular chest}'' Aw, that's lookin' pretty good. Now let's do his arms... ''{starts drawing the sides of large, muscular arms, with small bumps in between the muscles}'' you got these little... points wherever his joints come together when the muscles just pinch up 'cause they'res under such strain. ''{draws in the other sides of the arms and adds in small hands}'' Don't forget to give him super-tiny hands to make the muscles look even bigger by comparison. And now let's add some shiny bulge...uals. ''{draws small "bulge" curves on each arm muscle}'' But nothing accents muscles more than bulging veins! ''{draws veins on the upper right arm<!-- muscleman's right -->}'' Here's the slanterior canal veinal... ''{draws veins on the upper left arm}'' and the ulterior canal veinal. And then the neck hump. ''{starts drawing a large hump on top of the body}'' Musclemans don't have necks, they got neck humps! ''{draws a small, ovular head in the middle of the hump}'' It's not a hunchback, it's a neck hump. ''{adds a simple, bland face}'' Now if there's one thing I know about drawing musclemans, it's that you don't want to draw anything below the belt. ''{draws a horizontal line at the muscleman's waist level}'' So let's put him in front of a desk! ''{adds more straight lines in front of the muscleman, resembling a table or desk}'' Couple sheets of paper there; maybe he's hosting a talk show... ''{draws sheets of paper on the desk}'' Or struggling his way through a two-page exam. "Oh, this new-patient paperwork is ''so'' hard to fill out!" And last, let's give him some convulsing bundles. ''{adds motion lines near the muscleman's arms, then around his neck hump; he accidentally erases part of the stomach}'' As his skin strains to hold back the tidal wave of musculature. And I accidentally erased that part. I mean&mdash; I di&mdash; that was on purpose!
</includeonly>'''STRONG BAD:''' On today's Skills of an Artist, we're gonna draw one of my ''{title appears onscreen}'' oft-requested specialties: the ''{prounouncing the "c"}'' muscleman. Here we go! We start with a little seagull... ''{draws two wide humps in a basic seagull shape}'' Caw, caw! And a reflection of that seagull. ''{draws a mirrored seagull shape underneath}'' And he's spitting on his reflection... ''{draws a vertical line from the center point of the first seagull down through the second one}'' And now an underjohn. ''{draws an upside-down bump from the second seagull, passing through the vertical line}'' And a second-tier underjohn. ''{adds a smaller one underneath}'' And a third-tier underjohn! ''{adds a third, even smaller}'' And now for to fill out these abs... ''{starts drawing bumpy lines to either side of the "underjohns"}'' some cheese curds. And some more cheese curds there. ''{He has now drawn two "cheese curds" on either side, and the drawing now resembles a heavily muscular chest}'' Aw, that's lookin' pretty good. Now let's do his arms... ''{starts drawing the sides of large, muscular arms, with small bumps in between the muscles}'' you got these little... points wherever his joints come together when the muscles just pinch up 'cause they'res under such strain. ''{draws in the other sides of the arms and adds in small hands}'' Don't forget to give him super-tiny hands to make the muscles look even bigger by comparison. And now let's add some shiny bulge...uals. ''{draws small "bulge" curves on each arm muscle}'' But nothing accents muscles more than bulging veins! ''{draws veins on the upper right arm<!-- muscleman's right -->}'' Here's the slanterior canal veinal... ''{draws veins on the upper left arm}'' and the ulterior canal veinal. And then the neck hump. ''{starts drawing a large hump on top of the body}'' Musclemans don't have necks, they got neck humps! ''{draws a small, ovular head in the middle of the hump}'' It's not a hunchback, it's a neck hump. ''{adds a simple, bland face}'' Now if there's one thing I know about drawing musclemans, it's that you don't want to draw anything below the belt. ''{draws a horizontal line at the muscleman's waist level}'' So let's put him in front of a desk! ''{adds more straight lines in front of the muscleman, resembling a table or desk}'' Couple sheets of paper there; maybe he's hosting a talk show... ''{draws sheets of paper on the desk}'' Or struggling his way through a two-page exam. "Oh, this new-patient paperwork is ''so'' hard to fill out!" And last, let's give him some convulsing bundles. ''{adds motion lines near the muscleman's arms, then around his neck hump; he accidentally erases part of the stomach}'' As his skin strains to hold back the tidal wave of musculature. And I accidentally erased that part. I mean&mdash; I di&mdash; that was on purpose!

Revision as of 20:54, 25 August 2017

"Welcome back to another Skills of an Artist!"

Skills of an Artist is a series of live action step-by-step instructional drawing videos posted regularly on Strong Bad's Twitter account. The series is based on the Strong Bad Email dragon (and even uses the same music), and is typically released every week or two, usually on Wednesday. All videos feature a real Strong Bad-like boxing glove holding a marker, drawing on a whiteboard that looks like lined paper, explaining throughout. He frequently makes up words to describe shapes, such as "side-take" for the outline at the side of an object, or "squishtangle" for the shape of a slice of bread. Earlier videos were filmed in one shot, while later videos use occasional cuts and fades. Most of the time, the drawing increasingly gets more exaggerated over the course of the video. For example, a sandwich eventually becomes Strong Bad eating a sandwich with a giant pig's head in it, and Strong Sad's severed soolnd becomes a chefs' bathroom.



Episode 1: Sammich

Tweet Text No sbemail yet. But maybe an art lesson will tide you guys over!
YouTube Desc The master of the foreshortened pizzang draws a ham sammy. Mmmm...seasoned fortulami.
Drawing A sammich
Date Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Running Time 1:54

STRONG BAD: Welcome back to another "Skills of an Artist"! {the title appears on screen} Today, I'm gonna teach you guys how to draw... a sammich! {quickly, disinterested} I make drawing fun! {normally} We start out with... a squishtangle. {draws three sides of a rough parallelogram, making sound effects as he does so, omitting the top} First we drew the tangles... {darkens his first line} ...and then we give it the squish. {draws a loop that closes off the top of the shape} Kinda looks like a chef's hat... moving rapidly this way... {gestures right} Preeow! And now, to give it some depth, we add four shortened pizangs. {draws lines that make up the edges and sides of the bread} Aw, look at that. {adds hatching lines across the sides of the bread} That piece of bread is jumpin' right off the page! And now, we add some dotties {adds several dots to the top of the bread} that are like the air bubbles from the leavening process... y'know what I'm sayin'? Now for the toppings. {starts adding a spiky shape around the bread, resembling lettuce} First we do some lettuce... kinda looks like the bread is being electrocuted... {makes sizzling noises} And now we'll put on the meats. {starts drawing loops around the edges} We got some salami... some pastrami... and some seasoned fortulami... Look at that. Spillin' all out on the sides... And now for the main course, which is a severed pig's head. {draws the outline of a very large pig's head below everything else} Here it comes. Oh, Oinkers! It had to be done... {gives the pig X'd out eyes} make forth my sammich. And uh, you know. I like to reattach the tail... {draws a curly pig tail connected to the back of its head} the head. For dramatic effect. Okay, so, this is not very centered on the page... Put the bottom slice of bread... {draws a quick bread slice underneath the head} And up here, it's gonna be me! {draws a large oval just above the sammich, and starts crudely drawing his face on it} I'unno. Somebody gotta eat this sammich. {makes sound effects as he draws, then draws a disproportionately large open mouth with teeth} Look at that hideous maw! Ready to chew down on some tender jowls. {draws round boxing gloves around the sammich and adds shading to the inside of the mouth} And that's how you draw a ham sammich. {starts writing "THAT'S IT!!" next to his drawing} So... that's it! See you next time for more "Skills of an Artist"!

Episode 2: Posh Toilet Paper

Tweet Text Don't worry, there's a sbemail creepin in the bushes. I swear! But until then... skill out on this!
YouTube Desc Squanch it out! Draw the fanciest toilet papes money can buy.
Drawing A roll of posh toilet paper
Date Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Running Time 1:36

STRONG BAD: Welcome back to more "Skills of an Artist"! {the title appears on screen} Today, by popular demand, we're gonna draw... a roll of posh toilet paper! {sings in a exaggeratedly nasal voice} I make drawing fun! {normal voice} Here we go! First of all, we need to make a squanched oval for the top. {draws an oval} Squaaanch it out... and then inside, a similar squanched oval. {draws another oval inside the first} Or it kinda looks like a squished Strong Sad head. {draws Strong Sad eyes in the first oval and fills in the second to look like a mouth; imitating Strong Sad} Ohh, ohhh, I've been squaaanched! {normal voice} Look, we can turn this into... what we need! {turns the Strong Sad eyes into two curvy lines, and draws the same curvy lines on the other side} These are just some of the rimulets... of the different plies of TP. All right. Now a couple of side-takes. {draws the sides of the toilet paper} And then, a bottom close-'em-up. {draws the bottom} Look at that. It's already coming together. Now, so this thing is unfurling. {draws two curvy lines on the right side} Look at that. Curve-'em-ups... curve-'em-ups... and another side-take! {draws the side of the paper} See that? And look, this is a little... scrimmage piece, {draws a dotted line on the paper} so the perforation is right here. I don't know who ripped it off... in between perfs. {draws a zigzag on the edge of the paper so it appears to be ripped in half} But that person can no longer use my toilets. {draws another dotted line on the roll} All right... look at this thing! Now, we've got to make it posh. The only way to do that, you guessed it, is an ascot! {begins to draw an ascot below the roll} Oh man... this thing is totally wearin' an ascot! Look at tha— huh? You know what, nevermind. It's a kitty. {draws whiskers, eyes, and cat ears on the ascot} Let's just make it a kitty. {draws arms holding up the toilet paper} Ohh, this kitty! He's holding up some toilet paper! Do it, kitty! So there you have it. What could be more posh than having a cat give you your toilet paper for each wipe? See you next time! {cut to black}

Episode 3: Cannonmouth

Tweet Text Cannonmouth! The new classic!
YouTube Desc The new classic? You better believe it! It's picture day for Cannonmouth!
Drawing Cannonmouth
Date Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Running Time 1:38

STRONG BAD: Skills of an Artist. {the title appears} Cannonmouth. I make drawing fun. Go! {sings as he begins to draw a cannon} All right, now look, people are gonna think you're drawin' some... ooh-lips, over here. Like, that looks a lot like ooh-lips. {fills in the hole} Gotta tell 'em, "juuust be patient! It's not gonna be ooh-lips!" {draws a string at the back of the cannon} All right, here we got the little fuse... next to a... sparky-lark. {draws a spark at the end of the string} There. Look at that. This cannon is prime to fire. But I didn't say we were drawin' a cannon, I said we're drawing Cannonmouth!

{The music changes}

STRONG BAD: {singing as he begins to draw a head above the cannon} So here we go... it's Cannonmouth... here he comes, Cannonmouth! {draws an eyes, nose, and hair on his head} He seems kind of alarmed and his cannon is a mouth... his mouth is a cannon, I mean! {draws a body below the cannon} Here he comes... he's got a collar shirt... maybe it's picture day for Cannonmouth! He should dress his best! Cannonmouth!

{The music stops}

STRONG BAD: {stops singing; draws a camera in the bottom-left corner} Camera... picture day... {draws an umbrella on the right side} One of those little, uh, umbrellas, y'know what I'm sayin'? It reflects the light? You photographers know what I'm talkin' about.

{Fade to later; the picture has shading and some new details.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, man. This thing could be like, somebody's graduation announcement! {quietly, writing "Class of '88!!"} See... Class... of... '88! {normal voice} Cannonmouth! The new classic!

Episode 4: Strong Sad's Severed Soolnds

Tweet Text Join along with me as we chop off Strong Sad's leg together!
YouTube Desc Go from severed leg to quaint bistro restrooms in no time! It's marinara, mom!
Drawing Strong Sad's severed soolnds
Date Friday, August 18, 2017
Running Time 1:58

STRONG BAD: Weclome back to more Skills of an Artist! {the title appears onscreen} Today is alliteration day! We're gonna draw: Strong Sad's severed soolnds! Let's go! I make drawing, dot-dot-dot! {video cut} Everybody, {draws two rough vertical lines next to each other} side-take your hearts out! {makes sound effects for the second line} And then we do a close-'em-up here... {draws a curved bottom of the shape} Look like a little smile... just a... teeny smile... hrrmm? {video cut} And now, some vaunted humps. {draws two hump shapes connected to the bottom} These are his weird, giant, chitinous toenails. Now, let's sever this mug! Okay. {starts drawing a zig-zagged, curved line, closing the top off} I'd definitely use the serrated knife... so let's make the incision here... oh yeah, that looks so good... {draws a smoother curve within the zig-zagged line; video cut; he starts drawing a cartoon-y bone sticking out of the severed surface} Now, here's his tib... fibula... leg... it's his leg bone. {video cut; he has now closed off the top completely and added curved lines surrounding the bone} And, you couldn't make a cut like that without— {draws a drip down the side of the leg} eurrh, a little mess. Just a little mess. {video cut; he has now added hatch shading to the leg, toenails, and bone} Uh, since this is Strong Sad, it's gonna be casting a pall. {draws a shadow off to the right out of hatch lines} Look at that pall. {darkens it with a squiggly line; video cut} But you can't leave a drawing like this lying around your house! What if Mom comes in? So, now we get clever! {video cut; he adds dots resembling doorknobs to the toenails} Okay, let's see, here's a doorknob... {adds vertical lines down the "doors"} Oh, these are some lovely... wooden doors... {video cut; he has added a rectangle above them} These are... the chefs'... bafrooms... {writes "Chefs Bafrooms" on the rectangle} Because this is a chef's hat! {decorates the bone on the top to look more like a chef's hat} You know what I'm sayin'? Look! {draws an arrow pointing to it and writes:} Chef's hat! Mom will never suspect a thing! And uh, this blood is, uh... {draws another arrow pointing to the blood drip and writes:} marinara! Of course. Because this place is for chefs to use the bathroom! So, naturally there'd be a little... {draws a small café awning to the left side} café over here... {video cut; he adds quick chairs and a table underneath} little bistro... Look at that! {gestures broadly to the board} Mom will never know the difference! {writes five S's underneath the drawing as he speaks} Strong Sad's soft severed soolnds... and you could just tell mom that this "sssss"... that's the sound of the people— the chefs! Peeing! In the restroom! That's great, she'll love it! Okay! See you next time!

Episode 5: Muscleman

Tweet Text Cheese curds? Seagulls? Underjohns? It must be a new Skills of an Artist!
YouTube Desc Bulging bundles and number 2 pencils! Strong Bad shares his best ab drawing tips.
Drawing A muscleman
Date Thursday, August 24, 2017
Running Time 1:38

STRONG BAD: On today's Skills of an Artist, we're gonna draw one of my {title appears onscreen} oft-requested specialties: the {prounouncing the "c"} muscleman. Here we go! We start with a little seagull... {draws two wide humps in a basic seagull shape} Caw, caw! And a reflection of that seagull. {draws a mirrored seagull shape underneath} And he's spitting on his reflection... {draws a vertical line from the center point of the first seagull down through the second one} And now an underjohn. {draws an upside-down bump from the second seagull, passing through the vertical line} And a second-tier underjohn. {adds a smaller one underneath} And a third-tier underjohn! {adds a third, even smaller} And now for to fill out these abs... {starts drawing bumpy lines to either side of the "underjohns"} some cheese curds. And some more cheese curds there. {He has now drawn two "cheese curds" on either side, and the drawing now resembles a heavily muscular chest} Aw, that's lookin' pretty good. Now let's do his arms... {starts drawing the sides of large, muscular arms, with small bumps in between the muscles} you got these little... points wherever his joints come together when the muscles just pinch up 'cause they'res under such strain. {draws in the other sides of the arms and adds in small hands} Don't forget to give him super-tiny hands to make the muscles look even bigger by comparison. And now let's add some shiny bulge...uals. {draws small "bulge" curves on each arm muscle} But nothing accents muscles more than bulging veins! {draws veins on the upper right arm} Here's the slanterior canal veinal... {draws veins on the upper left arm} and the ulterior canal veinal. And then the neck hump. {starts drawing a large hump on top of the body} Musclemans don't have necks, they got neck humps! {draws a small, ovular head in the middle of the hump} It's not a hunchback, it's a neck hump. {adds a simple, bland face} Now if there's one thing I know about drawing musclemans, it's that you don't want to draw anything below the belt. {draws a horizontal line at the muscleman's waist level} So let's put him in front of a desk! {adds more straight lines in front of the muscleman, resembling a table or desk} Couple sheets of paper there; maybe he's hosting a talk show... {draws sheets of paper on the desk} Or struggling his way through a two-page exam. "Oh, this new-patient paperwork is so hard to fill out!" And last, let's give him some convulsing bundles. {adds motion lines near the muscleman's arms, then around his neck hump; he accidentally erases part of the stomach} As his skin strains to hold back the tidal wave of musculature. And I accidentally erased that part. I mean— I di— that was on purpose!

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