User:Garnet Jell-o

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Revision as of 04:57, 9 January 2007 by Garnet Jell-o (Talk | contribs)
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No, that's not a picture of me, but I use this as my user image on a bunch other things.


Introduction (Bor-ing!)


Hey, folks. If you haven't bothered to look at the top of the page, my name is "Garnet Jell-o." (Well, not really...) You're probably wondering, "Gee, what kind of dumb username is that?" Heh, heh...Anyway, I'm born in the month of January, and as many of us know, the birthstone for the month of January is the garnet. As for the "Jell-o" part of my username, well, Jell-o (actually, "Jell-O," the proper way to type the food product) is a mispronunciation of my first name, Angela. This mispronunciation was produced by a two-year-old girl some ages ago and is an occasional joke between Mom and me.

About Me

I'm a 21-year-old female, soon to have another birthday. I've lived in Maryland for all of my life, but in different parts. Truthfully, if I told you which part of Maryland I am originally from, you'd probably not believe me or have no clue what I talking about.

Anyway, I'm currently an undergrad at Towson University. I'm majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in both Biology and Geography. If you don't see any traces of me for a while, then, yes, I am probably doing some work for my classes.

Homestar Runner, the Wiki, and I (Aww...)

Blah, blah, blah, Homestar...

First Exposure to

I first learned of during my freshman year at college. During my history class (a night-time GenEd course...bleh), a classmate of mine told me and another girl that our professor sounded like the main character on I made note of the URL in the margin of my paper, but didn't bother visiting the site. Sometime later, I saw one of my AIM buddies have a linked named "Homestar Runner." I though, "Hmm, that sounds familiar," and remembered the URL I wrote down in my class. I decided once and for all to see what this was. After watching the introduction, I thought, "He doesn't sound like my professor...", but I was intrigued enough to see what else was on the site.

First Exposure to the Wiki

I was a member at Homestar Rules forum for while. I saw that one of the members at the board, JoeyDay, had a link to something called the "Homestar Runner Wiki" in his signature. I had no clue what a wiki was (I still had yet to hear of Wikipedia...), and looked at the linked site. I thought, "Nice," but wasn't compelled enough to visit this site regularly.

Quite a few months later, I decided to visit the Homestar Rules forum once again. (I have a horrible habit of posting at forums regularly for a few months at a time, then disappearing.) I saw it had vanished and thought of checking the Homestar Wiki on a whim. To my surprise, the wiki was located at a different URL and had blossomed quite nicely. I visited the wiki regularly, eventually deciding to apply for an account.

Favorite Characters?

My favorite characters are Bubs, Coach Z, and Strong Sad. I really don't know which one is my favorite; that largely seems to be determined on my mood. If I were to rank all of the main characters from favorite to least favorite, I'd rank Marzipan as fourth.

Of the obscure characters, the Balding Man would have to be my favorite. I don't know why he amuses me so much, but he does.

Wiki Tasks

Considering that I have not been a member for long, I have not accomplished much. I've corrected a few spelling errors and voted on some of the STUFF'd facts. I suppose I'll add some Fun Facts whenever I have the time and opportunity to do so.

My Interests

Oh, I have quite a selection of things I find entertaining; I've placed a small sampling below.

Some of the Music I Like

The Beatles, The Byrds, David Bowie, Chicago, Eric Clapton, Cream, Crosby, Stills, and Nash (and Young), The Doobie Brothers, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Electric Light Orchestra, The Grateful Dead, George Harrison, Billy Joel, Norah Jones, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, John Lennon, The Moody Blues, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Pink Floyd, Bob Seger, Simon and Garfunkel, Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, The Rolling Stones, James Taylor, The Traveling Wilburys, The Who, Neil Young

Manga I Read Regularly and Enjoy

A, A', Aria, Doll, Emma, From Eroica with Love, Please Save My Earth, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Sexy Voice and Robo, Tower of the Future, Yotsuba&!

Miscellaneous Likes

animals (even ones most people dislike), art, cartoons, cooking, drawing, food (almost any kind, except bland stuff), garden gnomes, houseplants (and plants in general), museums, nature, Nintendo and Super Nintendo RPGs and adventure games, peace and quiet, reading, soap (collecting it and learning how to make it), traveling and exploring, urban legends

Other Stuff and Ramblings

Yeah, yeah...I'll link to many of the things I've mentioned sometime soon. And I'll try to make this page look prettier, too; I'm not quite pleased with it...I'd finish this profile sooner if I didn't have schoolwork!

I see no reason to not type the alphabet: AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

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