Wet Knee Gumption Club

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"You knee wetters!"

The Wet Knee Gumption Club is a club consisting of Homestar Runner, Strong Sad and, later, Strong Bad. Their meetings seem to take place in the Field, where the members take turns pouring water on their knees. The reason for this is that this tickles, and all the members, even Strong Bad who joined only reluctantly, got a kick out of it. Strangely, however, no matter how much the members use the "knee water", the water level remains the same.

The club appears to have started in 79 Seconds Left. Strong Sad was the first person seen to join Homestar. He decided to "take a chance" and poured water on his own knees. He exclaimed "It tickles!" However, the two were inturrupted by Strong Bad, who demanded to be called "The Ledge " from now on. However this backfired, and the two did no more than annoy him. Strong Bad eventually gave in and joined out of depression, but was pleasantly surprised to find that "It does tic-" before being cut off.

The club's motto is "Commit to it!", as Homestar implies. This is confirmed on their poster, where it says in bold letters "COMMIT TO IT!" They advertise on the knee, which ironically is a disease caused by fluids accumulating in the kneecap.

The group seems to be larger than it appears, as their posters also appear in Russian. This poster reads "Передайте Это" which translates roughly into "TRANSMIT THIS!". If the club is actually more than just three people with a glass of water or not is unknown, however.

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