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Subtitles logo These are the English subtitles for Fan Costumes 2018. watch this toon
To watch the toon with subtitles, we recommend that you install either the All-In-One Greasemonkey script for Firefox or the Homestar All-In-One extension for Chrome.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="fanstumes18.swf" width="550" height="400">
  <line start="21" end="30" speaker="sfx">zip</line>
  <line start="31" end="38" speaker="sfx">snap</line>
  <line start="39" end="48" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="49" end="110" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Hey, you forgot that bite chunk out of Marshie's head! That can't be good.</line>
  <line start="111" end="169" speaker="marshie">If I can ever poomp back the bite on my head, I'll be unstoppable!</line>
  <line start="170" end="179"><marshie>If I can ever poomp back the bite on my head, I'll be unstoppable!</marshie><sfx>poomp</sfx></line>
  <line start="180" end="193" speaker="marshie">If I can ever poomp back the bite on my head, I'll be unstoppable!</line>
  <line start="194" end="239" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Please don't ever say "poomp back" ever again.</line>
  <line start="240" end="250" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="251" end="319" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Aw, this poor sap looks like he was forced to dress up as Mustache Homestar against his will.</line>
  <line start="320" end="399" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Are they in the room now? Blink twice if you are under duress, and I'll call for help.</line>
  <line start="400" end="429" speaker="homestar" voiceover="true">Ob'm know. That guy looks like he could really...</line>
  <line start="430" end="449"><homestar voiceover="true">Ob'm know. That guy looks like he could really...</homestar><homestar>hustle for sports!</homestar></line>
  <line start="450" end="457" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Ah! Duress!</line>
  <line start="458" end="467" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="468" end="520"><strongbad voiceover="true">This is impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!</strongbad><strongbad><span style="visibility:hidden">a</span></strongbad><sfx>music</sfx></line>
  <line start="521" end="531"><strongbad voiceover="true">This is impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!</strongbad><strongbad voiceover="true">This is impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!</strongbad><sfx>music</sfx></line>
  <line start="532" end="563"><strongbad><span style="visibility:hidden">a</span></strongbad><strongbad voiceover="true">This is impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!</strongbad><sfx>music</sfx></line>
  <line start="564" end="617"><strongbad voiceover="true">Impressive, disturbing, and makes me uncomfortable!</strongbad><sfx>music</sfx></line>
  <line start="618" end="711"><strongbad voiceover="true">Ah, that's the way that we dress up as Homsar for the Halloween holidays!</strongbad><sfx>music</sfx></line>
  <line start="712" end="722" speaker="sfx">click</line>
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