Talk:The Barbershop Trio

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Revision as of 16:36, 9 February 2005 by InterruptorJones (Talk | contribs)
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I don't understand the comment that The Ballad of the Sneak is "only a duet" - I hear at least 4 vocal parts in there...

Apparently it was recorded by only Paul and Storm from DaVinci's Notebook. If this is true they would have multi-tracked the vocals. - Dr Haggis - Talk 14:50, 6 Feb 2005 (MST)

Trio Name

How do we know that The Barbershop Trio is the Trio's actual name? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere on the site. --Gafaddict 16:22, 9 Feb 2005 (MST)

That's a good question. I've never questioned it, since it just makes no sense, but you're correct that they're never named. We don't know that that's their actual name. But like many things on the Wiki, they were given the name which seemed most sensible at the time. Why is "The Barbershop Trio" most sensible? Well, because they sing in the unmistakable style of a barbershop quartet, but there are only three of them, and a musical group of three is called a trio. — InterruptorJones[[]] 09:36, 9 Feb 2005 (MST)
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