Fluffy Puff Mayo

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"Made From The Best Stuff!"

Fluffy Puff Mayo first showed up in the toon Where's The Cheat?. It can also be seen in Meet Marshie (its "official" debut) and in the Strong Bad Email the bet. In that email, The King of Town had two jars of it in his pantry. It also appears as an advertisement before A Decemberween Pageant.

It appears to be made from Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, though if it were made completely from marshmallows it would actually be marshmallow fluff (a product of mild success commonly enjoyed on a sandwich with peanut butter), not mayonnaise. The two substances look pretty similar, so confusion is possible.

Advertising slogan: "Made From The Best Stuff!", which may be a reference to Snapple, which advertises itself as being "Made from the best stuff on earth."


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