Sticky Notes
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 20:15, 16 November 2005 by Robert Benedicio (Talk | contribs)
Sticky Notes (or Post-its) are different colored pieces of paper with a temporary adhesive strip on the back. They are an iconic office supply used to make quick and impermanent notes. "Post-its" are a specific brand of sticky notes. These are often used in pop culture to exemplify tedious and repetitive office environments. These make frequent appearances on Homestar Runner.
- In vacation, Strong Bad used a "DORKS!" sticky note to tell everybody off while he was on vacation.
- In interview, Strong Bad uses sticky notes as puppets to simulate a discussion with Homsar.
- In Arcade Game, Strong Bad leaves a sticky note on his Compy 386 to let everyone know that he's "in da basement."
- In secret recipes, Strong Bad uses sticky notes to cover up a shaved The Cheat.
- On Main Page 9, when you mouseover the Store button, a sticky note with Strong Bad's face on it saying "i rule" appears over Homestar's face.
- In Puppet Time, Strong Bad uses a sticky note on his Compy to say that he is "probably at a barbeque, with lotsa ladies."
- In no loafing, Strong Bad puts up a sticky note saying "out to lunch, then appointment, then something else."
- On the Strong Bad Email Menu, sticky notes have repeatedly been used to convey messages:
- While the vacation email was up, the "DORKS!" sticky note was also used here.
- When Lookin at a Thing in a Bag first came out, a sticky note read "Looking at a thing in a bag."
- When Arcade Game first came out, a sticky note read "In Da Basement."
- Sometime around the email stunt double, for a few days, a sticky note said "Workin on my CD,Yo!. -SB" Clicking on "CD" and "SB" gave snippets of The Cheat is Not Dead and Because It's Midnite (Limozeen)
- Killingyouguy has "scars" made of sticky notes.
- On the case of the Strong Bad Email DVD, three sticky notes attached to the Tandy 400 read, "4 karaoke tracks! puppet stuff! 3 unreleased emails!", "tons of bonus, hidden and never before seen stuff!", and "DORKS!"
- In Biz Cas Fri 1, there is a sticky note on the wall that says "ASAP."
- In Biz Cas Fri 2, Strong Bad presents a Post-it to the company shareholders, and his cubicle is covered with sticky notes.
- In Biz Cas Fri 3, there is a sticky note in Strong Bad's cubicle that reads "FYI!!"
- In Marzipan's Answering Machine version 5, Homestar tries to sell Marzipan Post-it notes.