Fall Float Parade

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Coach Z, you jerk!

Coach Z and Marzipan host a parade!

Cast (in order of appearance): Coach Z, Marzipan, Bubs, Pom Pom, Homsar, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad, The King of Town, The Poopsmith, The Hornblower, The Knight

Places: The Field

Date: November 21, 2005

Running Time: 3:28

Page Title: Reign On, Parade! Reign On!



ANNOUNCER: We now return to the 4Tst annual fall float parade.

COACH Z: Ok then, welcome back. First please allow me to apologize to my co-host, here, for any innapprapriate comments I may have made while we was at commercial.

MARZIPAN: That's two strikes Coach Z.

COACH Z: Yes, yes, what fun!

MARZIPAN: So, next up is good old Bubs.

{Cut to Bubs on a giant float that has the words "Coach Z you jerk" written on it}

Yes, good old my favorite type of guy who I'm just all the time hangin' around and doin' stuff with, Bubs!

BUBS: {through a megaphone} Coach Z you jerk!


BUBS: Coach Z you jerk!

COACH Z: Oh, I see then, that's very --

BUBS: Coach Z you jerk!

COACH Z: -- overt. Oh, here's somethin' that doesn't appear to be makin' fun of me, it's the Pam Pam balloon!

MARZIPAN: That's "Pom Pom balloon" for those of you who don't speak Coach Z. Always a hit with the ladies, that Pom Pom, and never a hit with anyone, it's Homsar! Oh, and there's another Homsar.

HOMSARS: {both of them in usison}

COACH Z: Oh, now this is just adorable, a Homestar Runner sweatshirt float.


Easter Eggs

  • Click the top left questionmark at the end to see Strong Mad and Strong Bad in the computer room.

STRONG MAD: {While he's holding up Bub's Consession Stand} Can I keep it?

STRONG BAD: No you can't keep it. Now put that thing back.

STRONG MAD: It followed me home!

STRONG BAD: Uh, yeah. That's not true.

  • Click the top plug outlet at the end.

Fun Facts

Inside References

  • The music during the Marshie segment is from bedtime story.
  • The "pardon our problems" screen is in the same format as the one from pizzaz.

Real-World References

  • The theme of a "Fall Float Parade" is a reference to the Macy's Day Parade, a large parade taking place in New York on Thanksgiving each year.

External Links

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