Talk:Biz Cas Fri 2
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 06:03, 30 December 2005 by Robert Benedicio (Talk | contribs)
Oh. My. God. HILARITY! I personally loved it because I got the reference to the spelling bee! That was funny!Ookelaylay 18:19, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)
HEY, YOU! This ain't a forum! Get outta here and post at this link instead - Another H*R Fan
- Sorry! The page is DISCUSSION.
Contents |
Isn't it noteworthy that the shareholders sound like the Peasent's Quest narrator?
- Not when you consider almost all the voices on the site are done by one person. — It's dot com 18:52, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)
2 places
The Place mentioned is the office, but what about the meeting room where they are supposed to present the earnings?-ashley
- Well, Ash, the meeting room is contained within the office, so it's not really necessary to list them both. I have updated The Office to include information on the different rooms. — It's dot com 22:07, 9 Jul 2005 (UTC)
did ya ever notice
how Homestar's messed up eyes look a lot like eyelashes? -Kinsey
It's not necessary
I think people know what a shareholder is. »ßenit, known as señor« 00:17, 26 Jul 2005 (UTC)
- No, they don't. I didn't know until I read this - איש אוגיות ק
(שיחה) (דברים שעשיתי)
Commentary Remarks
I need some links, and for someone to know what Scripps is.--Robert Benedicio 06:03, 30 December 2005 (UTC)