User:Danny Lilithborne
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 03:31, 31 January 2006 by Danny Lilithborne (Talk | contribs)
The same person as the account on Wikipedia. In the interests of keeping this site kid-friendly, you can choose whether to find out the truth about me there or not.
Favorites (HS*R Related)
- Favorite Character: Coach Z
- Favorite Toon: Bug In Mouth Disease
- Favorite Short: Sick Day
- Favorite Holiday Toon: That A Ghost
- Favorite Puppet Short: Biz Cas Fri 1
- Favorite "Powered by the Cheat" Toon: New Boots
- Favorite Strong Bad Email: technology
- Favorite Teen Girl Squad: Teen Girl Squad Issue 9
- Favorite Marzipan Answering Machine: Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2
- Favorite Game: Stinkoman 20X6