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Revision as of 16:49, 15 April 2006 by Sbdisciples (Talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Sbdisciples, or you can call me Alex. I joined on March 2. I am a pretend guy that... comes around... and... gets run over by a lawnmover blade. I mean I am in middle school and really like I go thier every day.

How it started

All throughout November and December 2003 my friend was telling me to go onto On January 6, 2004 I did. The top of the main page said "new Strong Bad email" so i clicked on it. It was army and a was thouroghly confused because i thought that Strong Badia was a girl. For a few days i was confused, and then a saw the first time here button. I thought it was hilarous- i was hooked. i go there almost every day now.

Believe it or not I do more things besides the wiki

I do many extra ciricular activities. From sports to jewish education.

Rock Opera: The Musical

One thing that i like to do is go to musicals. Broadway is the best. I see plays when they come to the St. Louis' Fox theater. Some of my favorites include Avenue Q, Rent, Wicked and Phantom of the Opera

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