Talk:Unattractive Detective Stories!! The Case of the Dame with the Hard-to-Look-at-Teeth

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While I know Homestrong probably put a lot of effort into this page, I don't see the use of it. All of the information can be found in the transcript of modeling. Rogue Leader / (my talk) 20:48, 16 June 2006 (UTC)

I agree. Any useful information is elsewhere. This is a throwaway gag, seen for a fleeting moment, never to appear again. small_logo.pngUsername-talk 20:54, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
Don't worry, I never take offense at stuff like this. I would reccomend, of course, keeping the article (I think that every "throwaway gag" such as this that ever happened on the site that has sufficient information should have its own article), but failing that, we could merge this article, Homely Boy Brand Huge Tube Socks, and Doctor Stankfoot's Watery Athlete's Foot Cream (all pages I've made) into one article about things Strong Bad imagines during modeling, though I'm not sure how one would title that page. --The_homestrongzipansadcheatsmith2.PNG Tlk/Cnt 21:55, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
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