In Search of the Yello Dello

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One hot bird.

"The Yello Dello is the most rare and beautiful bird in this entire cartoon."

Homestar wants to get a gift for Marzipan, but can't decide what to get. Coach Z advises him to get something rare and exotic, so Homestar, Pom-Pom, and Strong Sad head out to catch the Yello Dello. The DVD is complete with commentary, the old version of the cartoon, and deleted scenes.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Coach Z, Pom Pom, The Alien Guy, The Mountain Goat, The Yello Dello, Strong Sad, Strong Bad, Marzipan, The Announcer, Strong Mad

Commentary: Strong Bad, Strong Sad, and Homestar Runner talk about the movie as its being played. Hilarity ensues.

Deleted Scenes: Coach Z and Homestar Runner in the shower room, Strong Mad telling Marzipan about the Yello Dello], and a pixelated challenge which is a parody of the ATARI 2600 game Barnstorming.


Old Version Transcript

{Homestar, Coach Z, and Pom-Pom are on a football field. Pom-Pom is seen kicking a basketball around in the background whilst Homestar kicks a can, depressed}

CAPTION: "One day after sports, Coach Z noticed Homestar Runner looking troubled"

COACH Z: Hey, what's the problem there, Homestar?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh man, Coach Z, I guess I just don't understand the ladies.

COACH Z: Oh jeez, I figured it was girl trouble. Step into my office.

{Cut to the locker room}

COACH Z: So, tell me what's the matter.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, it's Marzipan's birthday, and I don't what to get her!

{The alien in the shower's towel falls off}

COACH Z: Well, Homestar, I tell you. Girls are like a great sports play. {we now see a blackboard with a gameplay on it} You can't just rush in to the score zone! You kiddin' me? You'd be clobbered! You've gotta stick and move and zig and zag to get past the defenses, so you's can score! {blackboard writing forms a skull}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But Coach, I don't understand! {Homestar's mouth simply stays open through the entire sentence here}

COACH Z: Don't just get her a flower. {Scene showing Homestar giving Marzipan a regular flower; flower droops.} Get her some rare flower from the tallest mountain! {Scene showing Homestar at the top of a mountain with a rare flower wearing lederhosen} That way she knows how much she means to yah's!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, Coach! {Levitates and flys away to the sound of squealing tires}

{Homestar is sitting on a rock next to a tree. The sun and moon rise and set several times}

CAPTION: So he thought and thought... Until finally...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I think I has the solution! The Yello-Dello! {Scene changes to the Yello-Dello on the "Discover Network." An Australian host describes the bird}

HOST: Found only in north-eastern Potamia, the Yello-Dello is the most rare and beautiful bird in this entire cartoon.

{Strong Sad, Pom Pom and Homestar are about to set out on their journey}

CAPTION: And So Homestar, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad set out in search of the Yello-Dello...

{A map appears and red dotted lines track their route through Far Off Lands, Prance, Portugal and Potamia}

CAPTION: They traveled many miles...

{The adventurers are in a game of Pitfall.}

CAPTION: Encountered many dangers...

{Homestar swings over the alligators}

CAPTION: Until at last they reached their destination...

{The Yello-Dello is shown atop a mountain. The three approach the base of the mountain}

STRONG SAD: Oh, I don't know, Homestar, that looks really dangerous.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ah, come on, guys, lets do it for Marzipan!

STRONG SAD: Well, I already got Marzipan a present and I don't really think that-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Right, right. We do it for Marzipan.

{Cut to Marzipan watering some flowers with a watering can that says "H2Oh!".}

CAPTION: Meanwhile...

{Strong Bad flies onscreen, wearing what appear to be oven mitts}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Marzipan, I heard Homestar's getting you the Yello-Dello for your birthday. You wanna know what I got you? NOTHING!

{Marzipan is angry at Strong Bad's rudeness but cheers herself up by thinking about the Yello-Dello}

MARZIPAN: {happily} My very own Yello Dello!

{Back to our heros at the bottom of the mountain. A burlap sack wiggles next to them}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ok, we got it. Now let's go home and get ready for the party.

{Marzipan's house is decorated with balloons (on the mailbox) and a big banner reading "happy birthday marzipan" Marzipan hops around a bit by her mailbox then walks over to her house. She opens the door to see Pom Pom, Strong Sad and Homestar, who is holding chicken on a platter}

ALL: Happy Birthday!

{Marzipan thinks the chicken is the Yello-Dello, screams and slaps Homestar. Hard. The unharmed Yello-Dello pops out of a giftbox.}

YELLO-DELLO: Gee, whaddya think her problem was?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I guess I just don't understand the ladies.

CAPTION: end. {The scorpion from the Pitfall scene crawls by and you hear creepy music}

New Version Transcript

{Homestar, Coach Z, and Pom-Pom are on a football field. Pom-Pom is seen kicking a basketball around in the background whilst Homestar kicks a can, depressed}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} One day after sports practice, Coach Z noticed Homestar Runner looking dejected.

COACH Z: Hey, what's the problem there, Homestar?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh man, Coach Z, I guess I just don't understand the ladies.

COACH Z: Oh jeez, I figured it was girl trouble. Step into my office.

{Cut to the locker room}

COACH Z: So, tell me what's the matter.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, it's Marzipan's birthday, and I don't know what to get her!

{The alien in the shower's towel falls off}

COACH Z: Well, Homestar, I tell you. Girls are like a great sports play. {we now see a blackboard with a gameplay on it} You can't just rush in to the score zone! You kiddin' me? You'd be clobbered! You've gotta stick and move and zig and zag to get past the defenses, so you's can score! {blackboard writing forms a skull}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But Coach, I don't understand! {Homestar's mouth simply stays open through the entire sentence here}

COACH Z: Don't just get her a flower. {Scene showing Homestar giving Marzipan a regular flower; flower droops.} Get her some rare flower from the tallest mountain! {Scene showing Homestar at the top of a mountain with a rare flower wearing lederhosen} That way she knows how much she means to yah's!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks Coach! {Levitates and flies away to the sound of squealing tires}

{Homestar is sitting on a rock next to a tree. The sun and moon rise and set several times}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} And so he thought... and thought... and thought... and thought... and thought... until finally...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I think I has the solution! The Yello Dello! {Scene changes to the Yello Dello on the "Discover Network." An australian host describes the bird}

HOST: {voiceover} Found only in north-eastern Potamia, the Yello Dello is the most rare and beautiful bird in this entire cartoon.

{Strong Sad, Pom Pom and Homestar are about to set out on their journey. Homestar picks up his knapsack which accidentally hits Strong Sad in the face.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OK you guys, we're about to embark on a very serious journey. I can't promise you it will be easy, rewarding, or even any fun, really.

{Pom Pom and Strong Sad exchange a sidelong glance}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But you guys will do it because you're my friends, right? OK, any questions?

{Strong Sad raises his hand}

STRONG SAD: I have a question-


{A map appears and red dotted lines track their route through Far Off Lands, Prance, Portugal and Potamia}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} And so they traveled many miles...

{The adventurers are in a game of Pitfall.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Encountered many dangers...

{Homestar swings over the alligators}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Until at last they reached their destination...

{The Yello-Dello is shown atop a mountain. The three approach the base of the mountain}

STRONG SAD: Oh I don't know Homestar, that looks really dangerous.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ah, come on guys, let's do it for Marzipan!

STRONG SAD: Well, I already got Marzipan a present and I don't really-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Right, right. We do it for Marzipan.

{Cut to Marzipan watering some flowers with a watering can that says "H2Oh!".}

MARZIPAN: {singing to herself} My birthday, my birthday, it's almost my birthday. Yeah yeah yeah...

{Strong Bad flies onscreen, wearing what appear to be oven mitts}

MARZIPAN: {surprised} Oh!

STRONG BAD: Hey, Marzipan.

MARZIPAN: Oh hi, Strong Bad. Are those my oven mitts?

STRONG BAD: What? No! These are my training gloves... probably... uhh, anyways, I heard Homestar's getting you the Yello-Dello for your birthday.

MARZIPAN: {drops watering can} Yello Dello?

STRONG BAD: You wanna know what I got you?

MARZIPAN: My oven mitts?


{Strong Bad leaves. Marzipan is angry at Strong Bad's rudeness but cheers herself up by thinking about the Yello Dello}

MARZIPAN: {happily} Oh, my very own Yello Dello!

{Marzipan imagines the Yello Dello wearing a gardener's outfit}

MARZIPAN: She can assist me with my gardening!

{The Yello Dello is seen eating something pink out of what looks like a clam shell on top of the mountain. The camera moves slightly down the mountain where Homestar appears}


{Strong Sad appears}


{Pom Pom appears}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: DELLO! {stops singing} All right, you guys, any ideas?

{Pom Pom nods, and pulls out a pistol, which makes a clicking noise}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uhm, I kinda wanted to take her alive, Pom Pom.

{Pom Pom shrugs, then tosses the pistol off the side of the mountain. Strong Sad raises his hand}

STRONG SAD: I have an idea-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OH! OH! OH! I have the best idea! You guys stay here.

{Homestar peeks over the peak of the mountain, where we see the Yello Dello's legs}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hello, Dello. Would you mind coming with us? You see, it's-

{The Yello Dello starts pecking Homestar furiously on the head. Homestar retreats back to the others all lumped up.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OK, that didn't work.

STRONG SAD: {raising his hand again} I have an idea-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uhm... sooo...

STRONG SAD: I have an idea-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Let me think...

STRONG SAD: I have an idea-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...of what to try...

STRONG SAD: I have an idea-



HOMESTAR RUNNER: OH! OH! OH! I've got an even BETTER idea!

{Homestar peeks over the peak of the mountain again, this time behind the Yello Dello}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hello, Dello. Would you mind coming with us? You see, it's-

{The Yello Dello once again pecks Homestar furiously on the head, causing Homestar to once again retreat to his friends. Homestar is now lumped up and bleeding from under his cap}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OK. Uh, Pom Pom, hand me that gun.

{Pom Pom produces another pistol to hand to Homestar}

STRONG SAD: Uh, wait, Homestar, I really have an idea that I think will work and we won't have to shoot the Yello Dello with that gun.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, Strong Sad! How long have you been standing there?

STRONG SAD: Oh, I've been here pretty much the whole time.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh I BET you have. Let's hear your idea.

{Cut back to the top of the mountain. We see the Yello Dello standing there once again. From the bottom of the screen, we see a pillar consisting of Pom Pom, Homestar, and Strong Sad rise itself up to the Yello Dello}

STRONG SAD: Oh, excuse me, Mrs. Dello, I don't mean to bother you. I just wanted to tell you a story about a little, grey, fat kid that nobody liked.

{Closeup on Homestar and Pom Pom. We continue to hear Strong Sad speak}

STRONG SAD: And the little grey fat kid had two horrible brothers.

{Some time later, Homestar and Pom Pom have fallen asleep, and Strong Sad is still talking}

STRONG SAD: In fact, there was this one time where they took his underpants and filled it with bologna.

{Cut to long shot featuring the silhouettes of Strong Sad, Homestar, Pom Pom, and the Yello Dello}

STRONG SAD: And then there was the time they took the only thing precious to him in the whole world, his journal...

{More time passes. It's now night, and the Yello Dello is sleeping as well. Strong Sad is STILL speaking}

STRONG SAD: -and they read his poems aloud to all the children and they laughed and laughed...

{Cut to Homestar and Pom Pom dozing again, and Homestar wakes up with a start, and gets up behind Strong Sad}

STRONG SAD: And the little grey fat kid was-

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I think that's enough, Strong Sad.

STRONG SAD: And the little grey fat kid was- HOMESTAR RUNNER: {simultaneously} Strong Sad... Strong Sad!

STRONG SAD: {shrugs} Sorry.

{Back to our heroes at the bottom of the mountain. A burlap sack making snoring noises sits next to them.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {visibly tired} Ok, uhm... nice work you guys. Uhm... let's uh... let's go... um... home.

{Cut to Marzipan's house. We see Marzipan walking up to her door.}

MARZIPAN: {singing to herself} I'm getting the Yello Dello... yeah yeah yeah...

{She opens the door to see Pom Pom, Strong Sad, Homestar, Coach Z, and Strong Mad.}

STRONG SAD, HOMESTAR RUNNER, COACH Z AND STRONG MAD: Happy birthday! STRONG BAD: {simultaneously} Happy freakin' birthday!

{Homestar hands Marzipan a roast chicken. Marzipan thinks the chicken is the Yello Dello.}

MARZIPAN: Oh, how awful! Homestar, how could you?!

{Marzipan slaps Homestar so hard across the face that the chicken flies out of his hands and across the room.}

MARZIPAN: This is the worst birthday I've ever had...

{Marzipan walks off in a huff. The unharmed Yello-Dello pops out of a giftbox.}

YELLO-DELLO: Gee, whaddya think her problem was?

{Cut back to outside the house}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I guess I just don't understand the ladies...

CAPTION: end. {The scorpion from the Pitfall scene crawls by and you hear the Pitfall death music}

Commentary Transcript

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hello! This is Homestar Runner!

STRONG SAD: And this is Strong Sad.

STRONG BAD: And we're both morons!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, "and welcome to the King of Town Super DVD!"

STRONG SAD: Uh, I think he means "the Yello Dello DVD."

STRONG BAD: No, I think what he means is "I'm the dumbest guy on the planet. Here's some proof!"

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OK, let's begin!

STRONG BAD: Yeah, let's begin. What the crap kind of freaked-up sport are you guys playing anyway? I mean, you're on a football field, but you've got a basketball goal, and basketballs and footballs...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I know! It's America's pastime! Working with Coach Z is always so great! He's such a-

STRONG BAD: Idiot? Moron? Crap for brains? Creep? You know, Homestar, I saw Coach Z coming out of Marzipan's house the other day...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wait. Really? You did?

STRONG BAD: Little known fact: Homestar gained a hundred pounds and shrank two feet for this role.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: It's true. Oh yeah, oh yeah, this is the scene that has subliminal advertisement! Watch, if you see that X, it ends up going between the E and the Z, which means that it... uhm... is easy... does it?

STRONG BAD: {sarcastically} You look so great in that lederhosen, Homestar. Shall we start calling you Homestar von Runnerberger or something?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, I look great in that stuff!

STRONG SAD: It was MY lederhosen...

STRONG BAD: And so he crapped and crapped and crapped and crapped and crapped all over that rock.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey! That only happened once!

STRONG SAD: It was MY rock... uh, it always kind of bugged me how you could never get your grammar right here, Homestar. "I think I HAS the solution?" What's that mean?

STRONG BAD: Oh, and I don't care what anybody says, but that bird is hot. I'll tell you that right now. A fine looking bird. Oh, here comes my favorite part! Oh ho ho! That's so great! That's a great one, Homestar! Classic!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What? What'd I do?

STRONG SAD: You hit me in the face.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ohhh, I know! It's America's pastime!

STRONG BAD: Oh, I hate it when Pom Pom floats like that. It gives me the creeps, you know. I don't trust that guy any farther than I can throw him.

STRONG SAD: Oh, then you must trust Pom Pom a whole lot, because-

STRONG BAD: Oh shut up, why don't you? You guys were doing pretty good at this point. You hadn't lost any men. Had you found a diamond ring yet?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, yeah, I think we found a diamond ring and some platinum bars and a couple bags of gold.

STRONG BAD: {imitating Strong Sad} Oh, I don't know, Homestar, that looks really dangerous.

STRONG SAD: Stop that!

STRONG BAD: {imitating Homestar} Oh come on, let's do it for Marzipan!

{Homestar laughs}

STRONG BAD: {imitating Strong Sad} Well, I already got Marzipan a present.

STRONG SAD: Stop it!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, no, keep it up, Strong Bad! I DO sound funny! Who's that? Oh, wait.

STRONG BAD: OK, now before you guys start, I've got to say, in my defense, that I never wore a pair of oven mitts in my life, OK? Those have OBVIOUSLY been added in later on using the most advanced computer magic available. All right?

{Homestar starts laughing}

STRONG BAD: What? I'm serious!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at Marzipan. She's funny lookin'.

STRONG BAD: Oh man, what a hottie.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: OK, this scene is my pride and joy. I wrote this whole song all by myself. Well, except for the lyrics. And, uh, the music.

STRONG BAD: Uh, yeah, I got an idea for you: jump. OK, Homestar, where the crap are your legs in this scene?

STRONG SAD: Well, actually, Homestar wasn't in this scene. That was a sophisticated puppet that I'm operating with one of my hands at... offscreen?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh yeah, I remember that. They had to replace me because I didn't have any legs.

STRONG BAD: Wahaha! OK, I lied, man. THIS is my favorite part of the whole cartoon. Hahaha. Oh look at him. His head looks like one of those things on a cow. You know, the part where the milk comes out.

STRONG SAD: Oh, actually, that was a sophisticated bladder system that I operated off-screen with a belt-

STRONG BAD: Oh shut up, why don't you? Wahahaha! Oh man, that's so great! And now he's bleeding! Ho ho ho, like some stupid bleeding baby.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Strong Sad, this, I feel, is your strongest role. It's like your every delicate intonation and gesture helps to weave this rich subtext of despair and wisdom.

STRONG SAD: Oh wow. Thanks Homestar!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: What? Did you just say something to me?

STRONG BAD: I don't know how the two of you managed to get his, fat, ugly butt up there.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, don't worry. We had, like, twelve other guys underneath us helping.

STRONG BAD: Haha, it is a, a fat butt isn't it? It's ugly too.

STRONG SAD: Now this was my time to really shine in the cartoon, so I used a bit of method acting to apply some of my own personal experiences to the scene. {snoring in the background} And I remembered this time back in school where, all of a sudden, everybody started being real nice to me, and I though it was 'cause I started wearing this t-shirt that said "I'm #1" on it, but it turns out it was all just because I had a pool.

STRONG BAD: {wakes up} Hmm? What? Huh? What's going on? Oh, Strong Sad is stupid and Homestar is dumb. OK, Homestar, I've gotta ask, do you ever remember your lines? Because you're always going "uhm, uh, uhm, uh OK, OK, uhm."

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Uhm... yeah, I think I remembered this one line, one time.

STRONG BAD: That's a big door.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's a fake turkey. That's a fake invisible turkey.

STRONG SAD: Marzipan really scares me when she's angry.

STRONG BAD: Oooh, ouch. You know, Marzipan has really nice hands.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, I suppose she does.

STRONG BAD: Oh, you know those little guys creep me out, man. Like, I'll have nightmares where there's like a thousand of those little scorpions crawling all over me.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah yeah yeah, or like that thing from Yar's Revenge, and, like, you wake up, and it's nibbling on pieces of you falling off in squares.

STRONG SAD: I dream of my own death. Over and over and over and over and over and over {fades out with him continually repeating it}

Theatrical Trailer Transcript

CAPTION: This PREVIEW has been approved for EVERYBODY! EVERYBODY! by the Motion Picture Guy of Free Country USA.

{Cut to scene of a jungle. We see a bright flash and the silhouette of the Yello Dello. The camera lunges forward and dramatic jungle music plays}

PREVIEW GUY: {voiceover}DEEP IN THE DARKEST JUNGLE... {Camera lunges forward} LURKS A CREATURE SO FEROCIOUS... {Camera lunges forward} ONLY ONE MAN CAN TAME IT...

{The Camera lunges forward again and we find Homestar Runner wearing a pith helmet. The music comes to a grinding halt.}


{The theme to In Search of the Yello Dello starts playing}


{Cut to screen that looks like the original Title Screen for In Search of the Yello Dello}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No seriously, what? And what am I wearing this hat for?

{Cut to theatrical credits.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ohhh, it's a PREVIEW. Oh, now I get it.

CAPTION: A Homestar Runner Cartoon - In Search of the Yello-Dello
Starring Homestar Runner Pom-Pom Strong Sad
Marzipan Coach Z and Strong Bad
Voices by Missy Palmer and Matt Chapman
Written, Animated, and Produced by
The Brothers Chaps

{Homestar sticks his head in front of the screen}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Everybody, it was a preview.

Deleted Scenes Transcripts

Original Danger

CAPTION: Deleted Scene #1: This scene was to be used as one of the perils that Homestar, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad faced on their journey to find the Yello Dello. Homestar's foul mouth kept it out of the final cut.

{Cut to scene from the Atari game Barnstormers. Homestar is piloting a biplane with Strong Sad and Pom Pom as passengers, and runs it into a barn three times, then pulls up and runs into a couple birds}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!

Coach Z's Office

CAPTION: Deleted Scene #2: Coach Z's office wasn't always the locker room. Watch and learn. And be disturbed.

COACH Z: Step into my office.

{Cut to the showers. Homestar is seen from the back, naked except for a showercap, while Coach Z is fully clothed.}

COACH Z: So, tell me what's the matter. {claps three times}


Strong Mad

CAPTION: Originally cast in the role of Strong Bad, was Strong Mad. Despite a stellar performance, it was later decided that his oven mitts were too big, so the role went to Strong Bad.

{Cut to Strong Mad and Marzipan standing in Marzipan's garden.}




MARZIPAN: What did you say? Mello Yello?

STRONG MAD: The Yello Dello...


STRONG MAD: Uhhhh... Homestar...

MARZIPAN: I'm Marzipan.

Fun Facts

  • The title may be a reference to the old TV series "In Search Of", which was narrated by Leonard Nimoy (Star Trek's Mr. Spock) and detailed the search for various legendary beasts, artifacts, and places (e.g. In Search of Bigfoot, In Search of The Loch Ness Monster, and so on).
  • This was one of the very first toons that The Brothers Chaps made, before they established their visual style, and at the time, they were still learning how to use the tools. Every artist has to get their start somewhere.
  • But since Marshmallow's Last Stand, and probably The King of Town, were created first (and had graphics that were more consistent with themselves and other early 'toons), it's more likely that the inconsistent art style was probably (for one reason or another) intentional.
  • The outlines in the new version are coloured light gray.
  • This movie contains the only instance of nudity (when the green man in Coach Z's shower drops his towel) on the entire website, besides censored versions of a naked Homestar.
  • When Coach Z talks to Homestar Runner about not just getting Marzipan a flower, but getting a special flower, Homestar's star bears a resemblance to a pentagram.
  • The deleted scene with the plane is a reference to the ATARI 2600 game Barnstorming. The scene with the scorpion and stuff is also from the classic Atari 2600 game Pitfall.
  • In the deleted scene, where Homstar and his companions are in the plane, after they fly into a bird or something, Homestar yells out, "Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!" This is a reference to what Strong Bad says, or vice versa.
  • If you go to the third deleted scene, the one where Strong Mad plays Strong Bad's role, you can see that Strong Mad has a Black Flag tattoo on his right arm. Also, he has a shirt with some kind of decal on it.
  • Mello Yello (mentioned in the third deleted scene) is a brand of soda made by Coca-Cola similar to Mountain Dew.
  • This cartoon was the first, and one of the only, times that blood has appeared in a Homestar Runner cartoon. But it's inferrable that the blood wasn't even real because the characters imply that the whole cartoon was just acted out.
  • The menu theme is the same from Pitfall 2.
  • The menu theme being obnoxiously loud is a reference to Pitfall 2, in which it played all through the game incredibly loud for an Atari.
  • This is the only time that Strong Bad is wearing something on his hands. (Evidence indicates that Strong Bad's gloves are his actual hands... of course it's not as if Strong Bad isn't known to lie. I think we all can see through that one.)
  • H2-OH! is a bottled water brand.
  • The flower that Marzipan is watering is made in the likeness of the flower given by Homestar in Coach Z's 'bad gift' scenario.
  • "Hello Yello Dello" might be a reference to The Three Stooges' quote of "Hello, Hello, Hello! Hello hello hello hello hello!"
  • In the Locker Room Homestar's hat is floating a little bit above his head, in the old version AND the new version. This was probably unnoticed when they HAD noticed Homestar was above the bench or something.
  • The title of this cartoon may be a reference to the song "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan.
  • The Yello Dello's manner of eating is a reference to the Lucasarts adventure game LOOM, in which a seagull eats a clam in the same way.

DVD Contents


New Version



"Theatrical" Trailer

Old Version

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