Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar

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Toon Category: Shorts
watch Ever and More! Strong Bad Sings
"Seriously, Marzipan, how do you get so smart?"

While Homestar is on "vacation", Marzipan spends some quality time with his cardboard double.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Cardboard Homestar, Strong Sad, Bubs, Homestar Runner, Cardboard Marzipan (Easter egg)

Places: Marzipan's House, Marshmallow's Last Stand, The Field (with fence), Bubs' Concession Stand

Date: Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

Page title: Cut her some FLAX!

Running time: 1:48



{Marzipan is sitting on her sofa holding a book called "Algonquin Stew".}

MARZIPAN: You know, Homestar, I disagree with what you said about the underlying theme of Chapter 8 in this book. It's really not about man's struggle with double-sided tape. It's a metaphor for the Mesopotamian social hierarchy during the Bronze Age.

{Shift view to see a cardboard cutout of Homestar wearing glasses and with a butterfly instead of a propeller on his cap. Marzipan supplies the cutout's voice, imitating Homestar's. When she does, she gains a heavy brow and an underbite.}

CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: Seriously, Marzipan, how do you get so smart? Don't you see you are a smart?

MARZIPAN: Well thanks, Homestar. I guess I am kind of smart.

{Title screen: "Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar"}

{Cut to a scene in Marshmallow's Last Stand. Strong Sad is playing violin and has a mustache, and Cardboard Homestar has a green tie wrapped around where his neck is drawn.}

MARZIPAN: Oh, thank you, Homestar. This is so romantic.

CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: You are so smart, Marzy-pan.

{Scene of Marzipan adding flaxseed oil to something in a bowl in her kitchen.}

MARZIPAN: And I always like to add a drop of flaxseed oil. Gotta get those Omega-3s in!

CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: Marzipan, you're so smart.

{Scene of Marzipan playing guitar and singing in the Field.}

MARZIPAN: Marshmallows are fluffy;

CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: {also singing} You are so smart Marzipan.

{Marzipan is at Bubs' Concession Stand. Bubs puts a carton of eggs on the counter.}

BUBS: There you go, Marzipan! My last batch of organic batteries.

MARZIPAN: Thanks, Bubs!

CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: You shop so smart, Marzipan.

BUBS: Yeah. When is ol' Homestar gettin' back from vacation?

MARZIPAN: Oh, um, he, um, decided to stay for a couple more days. {Smiles nervously} Yeah, couple more days, yeah. {Smiles nervously again}

{Cut to Marzipan's living room. Her closet door is boarded shut. Homestar's voice comes from within.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzipan? Marzipan? Can you let me out now? I'm pretty sure there's no cake in here. It's been about three weeks now, and you'd think I would have found it. All I've been able to find in here is some coats, and a broom. Unless it's a broomcake! Is it a broomcake? Ooh, let's try this broomcake. {Noises of labored eating.} {Weakly} Uh, Marzipan? This is a really bad broomcake. {With renewed vigor} Ptooey! Can you let me out, please? Oh, wait—coatcake?

{The scene goes black and "end" appears.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sing-song} Maybe it's a coatcake!

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the "e" in "end" to see a short scene with both cardboard characters.
    {Cardboard Homestar and Cardboard Marzipan are sitting on Marzipan's couch. Homestar and Marzipan can be seen barely onscreen, manipulating the characters}
    CARDBOARD MARZIPAN: And then I told him there was cake in the closet. And that's how I got some peace and quiet for three weeks.
    CARDBOARD HOMESTAR: Marzipan, you're so smart.

Fun Facts


  • The Algonquins are a Native American tribe centered in Quebec.
  • Mesopotamia refers to the region now known as modern Iraq, and some of the surrounding countries. The name comes from the Greek words "between" and "river", referring to the basins of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers and the area in between.
  • The Bronze Age is a period of prehistoric society following the Stone Age, when working with copper and tin was the most advanced form of metalwork.
  • Flax seed oil is vegetable oil made using the seeds of the flax plant.
  • Homestar having been locked in a closet for three weeks refers to the fact that homestarrunner.com hadn't had many big updates for the past three weeks before this toon was released so Matt and Jackie could take care of their new baby.
  • The "organic batteries" refers to organic food, which is supposed to lack toxic pesticides


Regular Eyed Cardboard Homestar

Inside References

  • Marzipan pretending Homestar is on vacation refers to Happy Fireworks, when Marzipan was on vacation and Homestar invented Cardboard Marzipan as a replacement.
  • The "organic batteries" that Bubs gives Marzipan are really only a carton of eggs.

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