User:Johnny Jupiter

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Revision as of 02:10, 11 August 2007 by Johnny Jupiter (Talk | contribs)
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A Few Things About Me

My real name is Paul McCoy, but I want to change to Johnny Jupiter someday when I have an extra $200 just lying around. Antisexy is one of my old prefered screen names, and I really don't like it anymore, but I don't want to go through the trouble of registering a new username on here, so Antisexy it is.

I'm in a band, I design (bad) web sites, and I avidly play Magic: the Gathering. I also just recently got into pencil-and-paper role playing. (Not a big fan of D&D, though.)

I also have an unhealty obession with Fooly Cooly

Homestar Runner

The first thing on I ever saw was the Everybody to the Limit video at a friends house, and I hated it. It wasn't until like a year or so later that I wandered back on to the site and saw english paper (which was the new sbemail at the time). I loved it, but I didn't realize right away it was the same site I saw Everybody to the Limit on. It wasn't until I'd already watched a bunch more sbemails and got hooked that I made my way to the rest of the toons and made the connection. Well, anyway, I've since learned to like the #1 summer jam.

What I love About

  • Compy-era- As far as I'm concerned, the peak of Strong Bad emails was the middle of the compy era. Maybe this is just because it's the era I jumped in on, but it just seems like they had a more spontanious, "makin' crap up" style of humor back then. I still think the newer ones are funny, but they just seem more strucured and planned out. That takes away from the Homestar charm. My favorite sbemail of all time is virus, but I also love the process, dragon (Taster's Choice), different town (TMBG!!!), there's so many...
  • Homsar- Do I really need to elaborate?
  • Strong Sad's Lament- I'm not really big on blogs and livejournals and myspaces and all that, but I really wish this and Marzipan's Answering Machine were updated more often and had a degree user interactivity like Strong Bad Emails, just because it can't always be about Strong Bad. The way that Strong Sad's Lament is hidden so obscurely and very rarely refrenced ever so vaugely, yet is still updated somewhat regularly, gives Strong Sad, and really the whole site, more depth. It makes it almost seem like Strong Sad is a real person.
  • Stinkoman 20X6- Any day now, I'ma get to play level 10.
  • TMBG & Zelda- These are a few of my favorite things, occasionally making appearances in Free Country, USA. I also just about hurt myself laughing when I first saw the Akira refrence in 3 Times Halloween Funjob. "That tickles!"

H*R Wiki

I first came across H*R Wiki completely on accident through a really weird stroke of dumb luck. I wanted to find a fansite of archive site where I could find more info on I think I was specifically wondering about how the sbemail used to have a link on it for "older emails" that didn't really do anything, but other than that, I just wanted a place where I could look up random fun facts on the site. This was all back before I'd ever heard of Wikipedia at all. But when I was at my computer on Google ready to look it up, it was really late, and I was really tired and worn out, and I wasn't completely paying attention to what I was doing. So instead of typing "Homestar Runner" or "Strong Bad Email" or something like that, without even realizing it, I typed "jibblie jibblie" and hit enter. I didn't really even connect in my mind that jibblie was something Strong Bad said; those just happened to be the first random words that came to my fingers. But sure enough, the first link that came up was the H*R Wiki on your friends. I was shocked. Exactly what I was looking for. So anyway, I discovred H*R Wiki, and shortly afterwards discovered Wikipedia, and I've been unable to live without either.

Still hashin' out what's below this line. Gimme a break!

I've had a user name for a long time, but I just decided to start using it again. I've only ever used it once, and ended up getting griped at for putting my comments on a closed STUFF in the wrong place. Ever since then, I've just stayed anonymous when ever I feel like putting my two cents worth in. But, since I lost my job a few months ago, I've been able to put my two cents in more often. And thusly, I've gotten into more run-ins with the popular vote and/or the admin clique.

I hate to be negative about stuff, and I know people might get mad at me for saying this, but sometimes I feel like this site is ruled by a hierarchy, and if you're not in the admin clique, then your opinions don't really matter. "Unable to reach a consensus" really means "unable to convince us." No matter how many people argue for a point on a talk page, as long as there's still two or three admin/sysop/senior editor/whatever cool guys that keep posting against it, it remains "undecided." I know that there’s people who would argue tooth and nail this isn't true, but I've had several bad experiences that have made me feel this way. Maybe I'll eventually be proven wrong.

My main beef with the way the admin clique runs the site is that sometimes they seem to forget that most people who come here are just average run-of-the-mill Homestar dorks, and not super mega uber nerds like themselves. They want to keep everything encyclopedic, neat and clean, based on proven facts, scientific, clear cut, humorless, and speculation-free. All this is fine for standard Wikipedia pages, but the H*R Wiki is based solely on a single internet cartoon series, that thrives on non-sequitur humor. It can't be based on proven facts because there are none. It can't be clear cut and scientific, because so many of the jokes intentionally don't make sense (Homestar's "arms", Strong Bad typing with boxing gloves, The Cheat's and Pom Pom's "languages"), and it can't be speculation-free, because The Brothers Chaps are the only ones who ever know for sure what they meant (sometimes even they probably don't), and it's so rare that they explain themselves, so anytime an article explains a meaning behind a cartoon, by default, it's speculation.

I think that all these rules hurt the Homestar Runner spirit. It's supposed to be whimsical and light hearted and funny. Since we can't ever truly know what TBC had in mind, we shouldn't try to limit ourselves to only what TBC had in mind. Our only limit should be to the whimsical, light-hearted, and funny. If there's no way of knowing if a similarity was an intentional refrence, but it's still something W,LH,&F, it should be included. If it wasn't an intentional refrence, then including it will actualy enhance the humor of the toon for people who come here. Don't forget that TBC themselves say they come here. Wouldn't it be awesome to impress THEM with a connection they hadn't thought about?

Which brings be back to my user name. I may never be able to truly make a diffrence in all the above-mentioned dissagreements, but I've decided to put up one heck of a fight trying to. And the first step to doing that is letting people know who I am.

So, here goes!

I'll probably turn this into an actual user page eventually, but I just wanted to put up my "fight the power" rant before I went through and replaced the IP addresses on all my talk page posts with my with my newly renewed name.

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