From Homestar Runner Wiki
I read the sbemails today, oh boy.
Early appearance of Homestar, 1973
This page has been
to the bathroom and
forgot to wash its hands.
| This user's name is Zoom.
| This user is a member of The Interplanetary Conference With The Third Confederacy Of The Spidledoogs In The Mud Present.
| This user's house has windows.
| This user is over 35 years old.
| This user is always right.
| This user... uh... I forgot.
About Me
Born 1971, which is 2001 in dog years.
Main Blog
My Fractal Artwork
Webcomic (Coming soon)
Also CEO of Destructosoft, which will be making Flash cartoons and games someday.
Did a comic strip from October, 1980 to December 31, 1999-- the day before H*R appeared.
My H*R Wikipresence consists of occasionally making small changes. Though I was brave enough to mess with Trogdor once.
•Science fiction
•Self-written comedy
•Fat girls (ewww!)
•Old-Timey video games
•RPG Making
•Flash animation (spectator or participant)
•3D computer art
•Doctor Who and spinoffs
•A humongous music collection
ANSI Strong Bad
As counterpoint to ACupOfCoffee's text Homestar.
Quick Question
Dear Strong Bad,
If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, how do you type with boxing gloves?
Sincerely your crap,
Outer Space, Universe