Happy Dethemberween Visuals

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These are the visuals that occur during Happy Dethemberween.

Lyrics Visuals
He's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman, Dethemberween Thnikkaman walk across snow, with snow covered bushes in the background.
and he'll make your dreams come true. Dethemberween Thnikkaman ice skating. A larger French Horn expands and shrinks to the next scene.
No, there ain't no beatin' that holiday feelin', Strong Bad march across a pink background yellow drawings of a snowman, clouds and trees.
when he says "Shut up" to you. (Yeah, shut up, kid!) Strongbad leaning from behind a sofa singing to and the King of Town
When the sun goes down, he creeps into town, Dethemberween Thnikkaman tiptoeing over a snow-covered wall, with the snow-covered bushes in the background, at night.
and borrows your hedge clippers. Dethemberween Thnikkaman taking some hedge clippers from underneath a sleeping Homestar's pillow.
And while you're sleeping, safe and sound,
he puts blank media in your slippers! A CD and a Tape fall from into Homestar's pink bunny slippers.

(It was 8-Tracks in my day!)
Sometimes he'll cold call random kids with discount travel packages!
(Las Vegas? For 20 dollars a night? Thanks, Dethemberween Thnikkaman!) Strongbad at his lappy talking into a phone.
Yes, he's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman. The Sherrif puppet talking in front of a DT snowman.
Flying through the night in an unmarked van.
You never know what he'll bring us when you hear those high-pitched singers!
Here comes the Dethemberween Thnikkaman! A group of robe wearing Bubs holding verse books singing.
One, two, three!
He's the Dethemberween Thnikkaman,
oh, and he'll make your dreams come true!
Do-Do-La-Do-Do-Do-Doo! Homestar singing against a blue background, with the same patterns as the loading screen.
There ain't no ceilin' on that holiday feelin',
When he says "Shut up" to you! The main cast (Minus Bubs and Homsar) singing behind a brick wall.

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