Talk:Lowered Eyelids

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Revision as of 15:12, 13 November 2008 by MenacingBanjo (Talk | contribs)
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Is a character lowering his eyelids really that noteworthy an occurence to create an article about? Sure, Strong Bad doesn't do it that much, but Pom Pom does it all the time. MenacingBanjo 13:35, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

I was thinking the same thing and was debating adding TBD templates myself. On the one hand, we DO have articles about The Brothers Strong smiling. On the other, that's becoming more and more common as time goes on, so I'd be fine without those too... and I think they have been under discussion at some point as well, if they aren't still. --Jay (Gobble) 20:10, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
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