Best Caper Ever
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toon Category: Shorts |
Strong Bad somehow manages to pull off the best caper ever... if he could only remember it.
Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Sad, Bubs (Easter egg)
Places: The Arctic, The House Of The Brothers Strong, Bubs' Concession Stand (Easter egg)
Date: Monday, February 9, 2009
Running Time: 2:43
Page Title: Total Coincidence! Not Intentional!
Contents |
{slow fade to a closeup of Homestar Runner}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Man, what should I do today? {takes a deep breath and turns the other way} I just wonder what I should be doing today, you know? {shakes head} I just can't seem to stop wondering what I maybe might could be should be doing today.
{cut to a long shot of Homestar standing alone on an ice floe, with an iceberg visible in the back}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Man. {the echo is heard; Homestar looks around}
{cut to a closer shot}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ooh, I know! I can pretend that one leg is shorter than the other again. {Homestar lifts his right leg and lets it swing freely} {softly} It doesn't touch.
{cut to a long overhead shot of Homestar drifting which crossfades to a slightly grainy black and white picture with the legend Satellite Feed in the lower right corner}
{camera pulls back to reveal the TV is sitting in The House of The Brothers Strong}
STRONG BAD: So you have, like, no idea how we pulled this off?
{reverse shot of Strong Bad and The Cheat watching the television}
THE CHEAT: {uncertain The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: All right, let's retrace our steps. We stole Homestar's melonade.
THE CHEAT: {nodding} {affirmative The Cheat noise}
STRONG BAD: You made pee-pee in said melondade.
THE CHEAT: {embarrassed affirmative The Cheat noise}
STRONG BAD: And now he's on a tiny ice floe in the middle of the Arctic somehow.
THE CHEAT: {enthusiastic affirmative The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: I think we might be missing a couple key steps there.
THE CHEAT: {shrugging} {uncertain The Cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: Come on, man! This is like our best caper ever, and we don't even remember what we did!?
{cut back to Homestar. A black lump can be seen floating off to frame left.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay. Bye, bloated sea lion carcass! {singsong} Thanks for stopping by! {cut to a medium shot} Marzipan, we've got to have them over more often. They are a riot! {Homestar looks over his shoulder, annoyed} Hm! {He starts shaking his body in random directions, grunting, and takes out a satellite phone} Oh, That is it, satellite phone! You've poked me for the last time! {He tosses the phone into the ocean} You too, flare gun. {He takes out a flare gun and drops it into the ocean}
{cut back to Strong Bad and The Cheat, lying on the carpet}
STRONG BAD: You're sure you don't remember like tricking Homestar to get onto a cargo plane, {sketch of Homestar running towards a plane with a sign saying "Free Pile" appears over them} maybe bribing some walruses, {sketch of The Cheat with feet giving money to three walruses appears and fade} or like experimenting with the folding of space-time? {sketch of a diagram of a black hole, The Cheat with glasses, and math equations}
THE CHEAT: {negative The Cheat response}
STRONG BAD: So, the only thing we know for certain is you made wee {a picture of a glass of melonade appears} in Homestar's melonade and he's stuck {picture of a globe appears with a circle around it pointing to a tiny Homestar} on the other side of the globe in which we mysteriously have satellite coverage. {a satellite appears next to the globe}
THE CHEAT: {affirmative The Cheat noise}
STRONG BAD: That's it, I'm taking you to the vet!
THE CHEAT: {leaps up, makes scared The Cheat noise}
{cut back to a medium shot of Homestar standing on the ice floe}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: All right. At this point, I'm willing to admit that maybe, just maybe, this {close-up of Homestar} isn't Marzipan's new patio. I should probably yell for help.
{cut to a long shot}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Larry! {echo is heard}
{cut back to a close-up}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Larry sounds like the kind of guy that could get me out of this jam!
{cut back to long shot}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voice breaking} Larry! {echo}
{cut back to close-up}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Homestar? {echo}
{cut to a medium shot. Strong Sad is drifting in frame left, reading a book}
STRONG SAD: Oh, would you please keep it down?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, great! Strong Sad! You're a polar bear, right?
{close-up of Homestar}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Use your frost breath to turn me into an ice cube, so future generations can thaw me out {cut back to a medium shot of the two of them} and marvel at my same length legs!
STRONG SAD: Boy, did I pick the wrong hemisphere to aimlessly drift through this year...
{black card with an iceberg and the word "end." appears}
Easter Eggs
- At the end, click on the period to see a scene with Strong Bad and The Cheat at Bubs' Concession Stand.
- {The Cheat is on the counter of the stand, beside Bubs, while Strong Bad looks on. A sign is taped on the counter, reading, "BUBS A VET NOW! GET IT?"}
- BUBS: {to Strong Bad} And I'm gonna need you to fill this up.
- {He takes out a trash can, which has a fill line drawn on it and a "Grody Sample" label taped to it}
- STRONG BAD: Whoa-ho-ho. Sorry, The Cheat.
- BUBS: {suddenly angry} I'm not looking at The Cheat!
- {Strong Bad looks surprised}
Fun Facts
- Clinical testing of urine and stool samples is one of the diagnostic procedures commonly performed by doctors and veterinarians.
- Space-time is a mathematical model that combines space and time into a single entity.
- When Homestar yells for Larry the water sparkles extend over the horizon.
- The running time for this short is listed as 2:43 on the New Stuff menu, but 3:09 on the Shorts menu.
- When Homestar yells, his voice echoes, even though there is nothing for his voice to echo off of.
Inside References
- The Cheat sabotaged Homestar's melonade by peeing into it.
- One of the people that Homestar called out for help was himself.
Real-World References
- The "Total Coincidence! Not Intentional!" title is referring to the cartoon's unfortunate timing; it was released the day after 134 people were rescued from a freeflowing sheet of ice that broke off into Lake Erie.[1]