Oven Mitts
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Oven mitts are seen several times within the Homestar Runner universe. Although Marzipan implies that they might be hers in In Search of the Yello Dello New Version, it is unclear who they really belong to.
- Debut: In Search of the Yello Dello — Strong Bad wears them in both versions of the toon. In the old version, they are not commented on. In the new version, Marzipan asks if they are hers, to which Strong Bad replies that they are his "training gloves, probably". He states in the commentary that he "never wore a pair of oven mitts in [his] life", and that the mitts were added "using the most advanced computer magic available". Strong Mad wears them in an alternate version of the scene.
- Homestar Quiz — If you get a perfect score, Prinicpal Strong Bad offers you cookies for a job well done, holding the tray with the oven mitts (subsequently contradicting his statement in the Yello Dello commentary).
- Email halloweener — Strong Bad states that if you can't get boxing gloves for your Strong Bad costume, oven mitts will do. Homestar Runner promptly receives one on his head.
- The Best Decemberween Ever — While shopping for a Decemberween present, Homestar rejects a pair of golden oven mitts with the initials "SB" emblazoned onto them.
- Email stunt double — Strong Sad, doubling for Strong Bad, wears oven mitts as part of his costume in the absence of boxing gloves.
- This happens again in Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective.
- Email underlings — Strong Bad wears an oven mitt while serving Homestar a hot dog.