In Search of the Yello Dello Deleted Scenes
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Three deleted scenes from In Search of the Yello Dello are presented: a pixelated challenge modeled after the Atari 2600 game Barnstorming; Coach Z and Homestar Runner in the shower room; Strong Mad telling Marzipan about The Yello Dello; plus a secret deleted scene.
Contents |
[edit] Deleted Scene Transcripts
[edit] Original Danger
Page title: Diluted Scene #1
CAPTION: Deleted Scene #1: This scene was to be used as one of the perils that Homestar, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad faced on their journey to find the Yello Dello. Homestar's foul mouth kept it out of the final cut.
{Cut to scene from the Atari game Barnstorming. Homestar is piloting a biplane with Strong Sad and Pom Pom as passengers, and runs it into a barn four times, then pulls up and runs into a couple birds}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!
[edit] Coach Z's Office
Page title: Diluted Scene #2
CAPTION: Deleted Scene #2: Coach Z's office wasn't always the locker room. Watch and learn. And be disturbed.
COACH Z: Step into my office.
{Cut to the showers. Homestar is seen from the back, naked except for a showercap, while Coach Z is fully clothed. Note that Homestar seems to have his normal design instead of a stylized one.}
COACH Z: So, tell me what's the matter. {claps three times}
{Fades to black}
[edit] Strong Mad
Page title: Diluted Scene #3
CAPTION: Originally cast in the role of Strong Bad, was Strong Mad. Despite a stellar performance, it was later decided that his oven mitts were too big, so the role went to Strong Bad.
{Cut to Strong Mad and Marzipan standing in Marzipan's garden.}
MARZIPAN: What did you say? Mello Yello?
STRONG MAD: The Yello Dello...
STRONG MAD: Uhhhh... Homestar...
MARZIPAN: I'm Marzipan.
[edit] Secret Deleted Scene
There is a secret "deleted scene" that is not linked to in the DVD. It features an unaltered scene taken from the film with an odd caption before it.
Page Title: But, they were DELETED!!
CAPTION: This scene was altered in the original toon because Marzipan's dialogue had too many bad swears in it. At the last minute this was deemed 'out of character' for her and her lines were cut. Here it is in its fancy, prancey new form with more appropriate dialogue and 50% more bleach!
{Cut to Marzipan's garden, where Marzipan walks up to a flower with a watering can that says "h2oh!" and waters it.}
MARZIPAN: {singing to herself} My birthday, my birthday, it's almost my birthday. Yeah yeah yeah...
{Strong Bad flies on screen and lands next to Marzipan, wearing what appear to be oven mitts}
MARZIPAN: {surprised} Oh!
STRONG BAD: Hey, Marzipan.
MARZIPAN: {turns around} Oh hi, Strong Bad. Are those my oven mitts?
STRONG BAD: What? No! These are my training gloves...probably... {Marzipan briefly looks skeptical} Uhh, anyways, I heard Homestar's getting you the Yello Dello for your birthday.
MARZIPAN: {drops watering can, spilling water} Yello Dello?
STRONG BAD: You wanna know what I got you?
MARZIPAN: My oven mitts?
STRONG BAD: NOTHING! {Marzipan winces}
{Strong Bad jumps backwards offscreen with a slide whistle.}
MARZIPAN: {happily} Oh, my very own Yello Dello!
{An image of the Yello Dello appears next to Marzipan with a smack.}
MARZIPAN: She can assist me with my gardening!
{With a pop, a flower-decorated hat, a basket full of flowers, and a spade with dirt in it appear on the Yello Dello. Marzipan bounces happily, and the imagined Yello Dello disappears with a smack.}
{Fade to black.}
[edit] Fun Facts
[edit] Trivia
- In the third deleted scene, the megaphone decal on Strong Mad's shirt is the letter U in the Webdings font.
[edit] Remarks
- In Deleted Scene #1, there are 52 extra frames that consist of the scene's background (with a white sky instead of the multicolored one and the barn and fence removed) while the plane's sound plays.
[edit] Goofs
- When the plane hits the barn in the first scene, the sky moves to the left and exposes a thin white area.
[edit] Inside References
- Homestar's line in the "Original Danger" deleted scene is the same line Strong Bad says in Main Page 13.
[edit] Real-World References
- The deleted scene with the plane is a reference to the Atari 2600 game Barnstorming.
- In the third deleted scene, Strong Mad sports a Black Flag tattoo.
- Mello Yello (mentioned in the third deleted scene) is a brand of soda made by Coca-Cola similar to Mountain Dew.
[edit] Fast Forward
- The intro of 160 Seconds is done in the style of the intros of the deleted scenes.
- After Homestar and his companions fly into the ducks, Homestar yells out, "Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!" This would be later said by Strong Bad relating to the Atari dragon on Main Page 13.
[edit] External Links
- watch deleted scene #1
- watch deleted scene #1 on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for deleted scene #1
- watch deleted scene #2
- watch deleted scene #2 on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for deleted scene #2
- watch deleted scene #3
- watch deleted scene #3 on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for deleted scene #3
- watch the secret "deleted scene"
- view the Flash file for the secret "deleted scene"
In Search of the Yello Dello |
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