Main Page 13
From Homestar Runner Wiki
An Atari 2600 Main Page.
Cast (in order of appearance): Atari Homestar, Atari Strong Bad, Atari Marzipan, Atari Dragon
Places: Atari The Field
Icon: Atari joystick
Date: Monday, June 25, 2001 or earlier
Page Title: Homestar Runner Game Pac
Contents |
[edit] Button Effects
- Toons — The color of the sky changes for each rollover: first, from its original blue to orange; then to purple; red; lavender; and back to blue.
- Games — An airplane flies by and drops a bomb onto the field.
- Characters — Strong Bad jumps on screen. He disappears pixel-by-pixel when the cursor moves off the button.
- Downloads — Background is turned into a moving road from a racing game.
- Store — Marzipan goes across the screen chasing a butterfly with a net.
- E-mail — Strong Bad, holding the Enchanted Chalice from Adventure, runs away from Yorgle the Atari Dragon while yelling, "Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!"
[edit] Fun Facts
[edit] Remarks

8-bit is enough, right?
- The scrolling road is like a daytime version of Nighttime Driving Type Game from Strong Bad's Message Bored.
- In the .swf, an 8-bit mouse cursor is visible outside the frame. This could possibly be from a scrapped idea to have a "custom cursor" in this page.
[edit] Goofs
- The wing of the airplane will pass over any action happening in The Field. The only thing it does not pass over is Homestar Runner's head.
- After Strong Bad runs across the screen when the cursor rolls over "E-mail", the Flash file restarts itself, causing the What's New, Main Page, and Weeklies links to disappear for one frame and the What's New button cycle to restart.
[edit] Inside References
- Strong Bad's line is a reference to Homestar Runner's line from the first deleted scene from In Search Of The Yello Dello DVD.
[edit] Real-World References
- The sound effects for the "Games" and "E-mail" buttons are taken from the Atari 2600 games Combat and Seaquest.
- The sound effect for the "Characters" button is from the Atari 2600 game Pitfall!, when Pitfall Harry would collect a gold bar, diamond ring, etc.
- The effect when Strong Bad disappears is from Pac-Man for the Atari 2600. The first sound effect made on the "Downloads" button is the sound Pac-Man makes when eating a pellet.
[edit] Fast Forward
- Strong Bad calling a dragon chasing him a "Freaking Duck" would later be redone with Trogdor as the Downloads mouseover effect for Main Page 27.
[edit] External Links
- go to "Main Page 13"
- go to "Main Page 13" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "Main Page 13"
Main Pages |
The Moon | Mountains | Island | Bowling | Waffles | Heaven | Graveyard | Falling | Notebook | Old-Timey |