Main Page 1
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Homestar is on the moon.
Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner, Nebulon, Strong Bad (constellation), Marzipan (constellation)
Places: The Moon
Icon: Rocket ship
Page Title: What's not to love about Homestar Runner?
Contents |
[edit] Button Effects
- Toons — An astronaut pops out of the spaceship.
- Games — A huge explosion occurs on Earth.
- Characters — Nebulon the alien bounces past.
- Downloads — The lights on Homestar's spacesuit start flashing.
- Store — Constellations of Strong Bad and Marzipan light up.
- E-mail — A helmet appears on Homestar's head.
[edit] Fun Facts
[edit] Trivia
- On Earth, the only recognizable place is the United States. The rest of North America and South America should also be visible. This could be a reference to the Theme Song Video.
[edit] Remarks
- This is Nebulon's first real world appearance on the site, although he isn't given a name until New Boots.
[edit] Goofs
- When the top of the rocket comes down, one star briefly overlaps it, and another overlaps the astronaut's flag.
[edit] Glitches
- A second after the nuclear explosion (games), a small thud sound occurs. This could be an echo, but is more likely a sound glitch.
[edit] Fast Forward
- This page would be revisited in Sbemailiarized!
[edit] External Links
Main Pages |
The Moon | Mountains | Island | Bowling | Waffles | Heaven | Graveyard | Falling | Notebook | Old-Timey |