Other Sightings

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505 Unbelievably Stupid Web Pages

On page 125 of this book, "Strongbad E-Mail" is listed as link number 256. The writer claims "...the answers to these questions require as much thought as you'd expect from a baboon."

Robots The Movie

At the end, when the heroes are in the chop shop, Rodney says "Looks like I'm gonna have to jump!"

Official Rock-Paper-Scissors Strategy Guide

In a sample tournament bracket in this book on page 163, one of the players is Trogdor.

Macromedia Flash Conference

H*R in Flash Player 8

As part of the first showing of the as yet unreleased Macromedia Flash Player 8, a graphical demo was shown with various effects that will be available in the new player being applied to both graphics, text, animations and movies on the fly. Of all the animations on the web, the Macromedia developers decided to feature both Homestar Runner and an animated The Homestar Runner. Showing the new effects being applied to their forms. This might be considered one of the most prestiged appearances of Homestar to date!

Super Size Me

In the movie Super Size Me, there are a group of kids at the computer watching an old Tandy era Strong Bad Email.

Celebration 3

Homestar on X-Wing

Before Star Wars' final episode, Revenge of the Sith, the official fan club made a convention in the Indiana Convention Center where they showed cars modeled after several ships from the Star Wars universe. One of the X-Wing had a Homestar Runner cling sticker on it.

Olde english

In one sketch called general procrastination The last line is "But first I need to watch a new strong bad e-mail... HA! That's good internet comedy."

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