HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/Decemberween Email Menu

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.

Resetting the Flash

Instead of the music repeating in a movie clip (like most areas on the site), the whole Flash file loops instead. This causes a short gap in the music, and it will also cause all the Easter Eggs to reset.

From: Decemberween Email Menu
Posted on: 02:35, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Unusual, unlike most other animations on site.

Arguments against:

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Super Sam
  2. CGNU Scholar
  3. BazookaJoe
  4. Ju Ju Master
  5. E.L. Cool
  6. GG Crono
  7. aaronak

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