Inside Jokes

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Many of the action figures shown in toons are priced at $11.01, an inside joke referring to Matt Chapman's November 1st (11/01) birthdate.

From "Homestar Runner, Gone in a Flash":

MATT CHAPMAN: [Homestar Runner] is "family road-trip inside-joke humor," that feeling of a joke you made in the van driving to somewhere on a long road trip and now it's the funniest thing, and your family quotes it for, y'know, the rest of your family's lives.

An inside joke is a type of joke where the humor is only understandable to someone familiar with the Homestar Runner body of work.

These may include distinctive phrases ("dumb animal characters"), repeatedly referenced figures (Mark Lemke), or invented terms ("soolnds"), all of which may not be funny or even comprehensible to a non-fan.

Running Gags

See also Running Gags

Running gags are conceptually similar to inside jokes, and indeed there is overlap between the two categories. The main differentiation is if foreknowledge of Homestar Runner is required for the joke to land — a phrase like "Note To Self:" is a commonplace phrase, while "My Boat Take" is an inside joke.

See Also

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