Subtitles:filmstyle trogdor/en

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Subtitles logo These are the English subtitles for Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer. watch this toon
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="filmstyle_trogdor.swf" width="450" height="327">
<line start="6" end="184">
<sfx>music playing</sfx>
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">It began as the best selling video computer TV game of all time.</announcer>
<line start="185" end="259">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">Uh—Not really,</announcer>
<line start="260" end="329">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">but still!</announcer>
<line start="330" end="501">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">A simple peasant wearing short pants quested his way into the heart of a nation.</announcer>
<line start="502" end="575">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">Now, for his greatest adventure yet,</announcer>
<line start="576" end="618">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">he will quest...</announcer>
<line start="619" end="679">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">INTO THEATERS!!</announcer>
<line start="680" end="732">
<sfx>music fades</sfx>
<line start="733" end="846">
<dashing>Where's my cottage?</dashing>
<line start="847" end="857">
<sfx>music plays</sfx>
<line start="858" end="1068">
<sfx>music plays</sfx>
<dashing volume="3.0">TROGDOR!!!</dashing>
<line start="1230" end="1378" >
<peasantryking voiceover="voiceover">We have coexisted with the Burninator in these lands for centuries.</peasantryking>
<line start="1379" end="1418">
<line start="1419" end="1572">
<peasantryking>I can't have you marching up there in your short pants upsetting the balance!</peasantryking>
<line start="1573" end="1640">
<dashing>I'll upset your balance, my lord!</dashing>
<line start="1641" end="1766">
<peasantryking>Rather Dashing, you will not sass back at this council!</peasantryking>
<line start="1796" end="1933">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">From the sort of people who brought you <cite>Trogdor</cite> and <cite>Litigation Jackson</cite>...</announcer>
<line start="1934" end="1973">
<dashing>Easy now Gary,</dashing>
<line start="1974" end="2011">
<dashing>I'm just going</dashing>
<line start="2012" end="2058">
<dashing>to WEAR MASK.</dashing>
<line start="2059" end="2123">
<sfx>Gary whinnies</sfx>
<line start="2124" end="2235">
<babylady>Show me you're a real man, Rather Dashing.</babylady>
<line start="2236" end="2276">
<line start="2277" end="2313">
<line start="2314" end="2377">
<line start="2378" end="2425">
<line start="2426" end="2449">
<mendelev>I'm Mendelev!</mendelev>
<line start="2450" end="2489">
<mendelev>I'm Mendelev!</mendelev>
<dongolev>I'm Dongolev!</dongolev>
<line start="2545" end="2614">
<blueknight voiceover="voiceover">Rather Dashing?</blueknight>
<line start="2615" end="2649">
<blueknight>More like</blueknight>
<line start="2650" end="2716">
<blueknight>Rather Homely!</blueknight>
<line start="2717" end="2842">
<line start="2843" end="2996">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">A Trog-venture for the whole Trog-Family!</announcer>
<line start="2997" end="3067">
<dashing sfx="sfx">screaming</dashing>
<line start="3189" end="3261">
<dashing>I'm just so mad at Trogdor...</dashing>
<line start="3262" end="3348">
<blueknight>Access to Trogdor is strictly for peasants!</blueknight>
<line start="3349" end="3449">
<dashing>He just goes around burning things and doesn't even care!</dashing>
<line start="3450" end="3506">
<blueknight>You don't smell like a peasant...</blueknight>
<line start="3657" end="3739">
<dashing sfx="sfx">screams in victory</dashing>
<line start="3741" end="3793">
<blueknight>You don't dress like a peasant...</blueknight>
<line start="3969" end="4009">
<blueknight voiceover="voiceover">And you certainly aren't on</blueknight>
<line start="4010" end="4051">
<blueknight><em>fire</em> like a peasant!</blueknight>
<line start="4095" end="4168">
<sfx>pterodactyl squawks</sfx>
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">A quest for adventure!</announcer>
<line start="4169" end="4194">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">A quest</announcer>
<line start="4195" end="4286">
<trogdor sfx="sfx">screams</trogdor>
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">for revenge!</announcer>
<line start="4287" end="4333">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">A quest...</announcer>
<line start="4334" end="4414">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover">for a peasant!</announcer>
<line start="4415" end="4469">
<announcer voiceover="voiceover"><cite>Peasant's Quest</cite>!</announcer>
<line start="4830" end="4952">
<peasantryking voiceover="voiceover" volume="0.8">And the Trogdor... comes...</peasantryking>
<line start="4953" end="4985">
<peasantryking volume="0.8">in the night.</peasantryking>
<line start="4986" end="5050">
<dashing volume="1.5">Not tonight he doesn't...</dashing>
<line start="5051" end="5086">
<line start="5087" end="5139">
<dashing>in the night...</dashing>
<line start="5140" end="5179">
<line start="5180" end="5255">
<trogdor sfx="sfx">growls</trogdor>
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