Template talk:Teen Girl Squad

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Regarding this edit, it may not be an episode per se, but neither is 8 1/2, per se (except that maybe one says it's over and the other doesn't?). I think either both or neither should be removed, and I lean towards the latter. Removing them from the template makes it harder to find or know that it/they ever existed. There aren't that many TGS cameos around. An alternative would be to have a subsection in the template listing them. Opinions? --Stux 16:23, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

If we count Pay Plus! we have to count death metal and pizza joint as well. I see why theme park isn't there, though. It has no spoken dialogue. Bad Bad Guy 22:55, 7 October 2007 (UTC)
Pay Plus! was presented as a separate toon. Those are just appearances in other toons. They're cameos. They're not issues. They shouldn't be included. Ever. It's no different than if a picture of another character was used as a pop-up image. trading cards isn't a 20X6 episode. radio isn't an Old-Timey toon. And nor are they TGS issues. --DorianGray 22:58, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

Issue 15

If it ever comes out, will it follow TGS 14 or 4 Gregs on this template? BBG 05:06, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

I'd say put it after TGS 14. The SBCG4AP/4 Gregs ones are listed on a separate line deliberately, likely to distance them as special episodes. --DorianGray 05:10, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
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