From Homestar Runner Wiki
Contents |
[edit] Welcome!!!
Oh, HELLO! and This is A Website!
This is my hub of all things related to my online self. I try to keep all my pages pointing to this page. So if you want to know more about my interests, you'll have to do a little digging... :) (Click here for a list of my wiki accounts.)
- RIP xanga; used to be my primary blog.
- My own personal page I've had since 1996: (well, not the domain, just the page.)
- A factoring project I used to donate my computing cycles to: (archive)
- I've also donated CPU time to, Seventeen or Bust, Riesel Sieve, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search and SETI@home in the past.
- And there's the never-updated Live Journal Page:
- I once ran into this amazing story.
[edit] Wiki Presence
These links are only here for the sake of putting them here (or are they?):
HRWiki (it's recursive, I know):
- User:Stux (logs) (toolbox)
- HRWiki Forum:
- I am registered in the IRC chatroom as stux.
- User:Stux
- Yes! Homestar's on the BIG Wiki! Help keep it up to date: Homestar Runner
- commons
- test wiki
- Wikibooks:User:Stux
At Home:
- I have gone so far as to install MediaWiki on my own personal Apache web server in my computer (only I have access to it of course), so I can use its documentation feature to um, organize stuff. I hope I can use it as a calendar, notepad, bookmark, TODO list, etc. all while I learned how easy it is now to install this stuff!
Minor Accounts:
- Esoteric Programming Languages Wiki: (see Talk for programming oddities links)
- Wikichristian:
- Star Trek:
- Wikia:
[edit] Faves
- Although I'm not good at it, I can play for hours: Stinkoman 20X6
- A cool song: Circles!
[edit] Contributions
I am currently working on my graduate studies at CGNU. I am specializing in made up computer languages. I hope some day I'll get PhuD. But in my spare time I try to contribute to the wiki. Here's a list of stuff:
- Sparse gnoming.
- Helped get the The Geddup Noise page on its feet (and added sound).
- Helped get the Sick Day page on its feet.
- Cleaned up 20X6 Talk archives, as well as some of 20X6. Update: The page is now all cleaned up with the help of H20, Dot Com, Lapper and Tom.
- Cleaned up strongbad_email.exe DVD Artwork and also The Inkhole Interview (for the most).
- Fixed some backgrounds in Quote of the Week Character Heads.
- Created NavTemplates and other template categories.
- Helped with the Homestar Runner Wiki article and general HR articles on the big Wikipedia.
- Added links and pretty pictures to the FAQ.
- Helped a little with the Proxy Blocks project.
- Moved the Contributors section of the Characters page into its own page.
- Helped a little in cleaning up Secret Pages.
- Created Help Category. Fixed up Help:User Preferences a little.
- Made the {{sitelanguagenotice}} and {{sightingslanguagewarning}} templates for the Sightings pages.
- Created the Main Category and a
coupleton of other categories. - Worked on some translation stuff: Category:Subtitles in Need of Verification
- Prettied up Fonts, a part of Help:Editing#Character formatting.
- Helped flesh out The Only Girl.
- Sorted some things out.
- And tons other things.
[edit] Articles that we probably need
- Social Media
- Advertising (See: Category:Advertisements)
- Piracy (copying Cassette Tapes and compilations, "Don't copy that Floppy" and FBI warning parody, apparently Bootleg recordings aren't the same thing; related to Crimes Committed by Strong Bad)
- "smooth n' smarmy public radio" (maybe or a public radio page) — action figure (DVD commentary; see diff), Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 17.2 and All Things Considered Interview - 8 May 2005 (quoted)
[edit] Projects
- Flash Revival Project
- Test Lightspark, Ruffle
- HRWiki talk:Subtitles#Subtitles in the 20's (if Ruffle handles js hooks, this might be solved automatically, see this page section for more details)
- Twitter bot
- HRWiki_talk:Main_page_redesign#Next_Steps
- Need to figure out new swf filenames (extract from HTML?) and find now-missing items
- A template would need the swf path much like {{DecemberweenventEntry}}
Make the Nav templates easier to use and maintain (*) (resolved by: Help:ParserFunctions#navlist:)
Refactor twitter template
- This edit documents how to add a new post type.
- Template to aggregate total times (in seconds) following the aggregate example from the Toons page (although that's just for counts instead of playing time) (ref1, ref2)
[edit] Potpurri
- HRWiki:Projects#List_all_Homestarrunner.com_files (project)
- User:Nerd42's SWF Download page
- User:Purple Wrench's Homestar Offsite
- Stinkoman 20X6 Source Files (also make sure it's updated)
- Help:Namespaces (iwl) · (Main Project Item)
- Linking Issues: ([1], [2], [3], [4]b, [5], [6]) - whitespace, question marks, ampersands and equal signs don't work well on mediawiki links
- Small Items: [7] [8]
- pre-wrap: [9]
- Talk:Floppy Disk Container#Please don't change the Anchor IDs
- User:Stux/palindromes
- User talk:The Cheatbot#Podstar Runner
- Talk:Main Page#Still Slow
- Template talk:stuffinstructions#Recategorize
- Twitter bot: HRWiki:Projects/@StrongBadActual Bot
- SBE infobox: HRWiki:Projects/SBEmail Infoboxes
Futurereference: Talk:Strong Bad Email/Archive 5#Infobox for Sbemails? and User:It's dot com/replacement (2024 draft, v2)
[edit] Why Not?
So I had this song stuck in my head for the last few days and it occurred to me I could make a game out of this in the spirit of Brightstar's quote thing. Sort of.
[edit] Contest #1
Guess what the title of the song is and you get standard-issue game-winning cupcakes. You get special-issue extra-credit cupcakes if you guess who the original singer/band was. This song has been around for a while but has been covered a few times. Without further ado, the hint:
- The Law - 1
- Me - 0
That's it! That's all you get. Leave your guesses in my talk page and I'll tell you if you're right or not. I'm guessing those who've been around a while might get it right away but we'll see! I intend to leave this up indefinitely, and don't yet plan for other similar "contests". Good luck!
Update: The honor of solving this riddle goes to Tom!!!
[edit] Contest #2
Okay, so that last one went by quick, and I've wanted to make another, hopefully harder, clue. The clues are meant to be Google-proof, so feel free to use it. This one is for a movie, and as a result I will be extremely vague (the clues are hints for the hints themselves). As customary, to the victor goes the cupcakes. Special cupcakes if you can identify the scene or scenes the clues refer to. So here they are (two words):
- - the bird, not the software.
- Long before Alka-seltzer, there was this. Subhint: See my wikipedia edit history.
That's it! That's all you get. Leave your guesses (full or intermediate) in my talk page and I'll tell you if you're right or not. I made a batch of cupcakes and every time I add a hint I eat one myself... yummmm! Good luck!
Update: Congratulations to Trey56 on solving the second puzzle!
[edit] Contest #3
So girls and boys, it's time for yet another weird contest. Here's the clue:
- What is your Name?
- What is your Quest?
- What is the 44th Mersenne Prime?
Now for the contest. As always I try to make my contests un-guessable, and I have tried to take this to new heights. This contest is meant to be google proof, so google, ask, cheat away! The rules are simple: there are four questions that I have chosen to be associated with this clue. You must provide all 4 questions (not all at once) along with their respective answers. I have made a batch of 9 cupcakes, one for each question, one for each answer and an "overall performace" cupcake for kicks. No, I'm not playing Sudoku with the cupcakes. For every correct question you get a cupcake, for every correct answer, you get another. As time progresses, unquestioned questions and unanswered questions will get a hint. For every hint, I eat a cupcake. Good luck!
Hint #1:
Well, since this contest has had no brave takes, it's time for a (rather vague) hint. But first, I have a cupcake to eat. Yum! 8 cucpakes left! So anyway, here's the hint:
As I said before don't be afraid to guess or ask questions.
- Question #1: What non-H*R character would have posed this set of questions?
- A: "the old man from Scene 24" in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (solved by Kevin G. Dannerson)
- Question #2: The story behind the previous question resembles a specific H*R toon the most. What item was sought after in this toon?
- A: The Yello Dello from In Search of the Yello Dello (Note: I must admit this would've been rather subjective.)
- Question #3: What is the 44th Mersenne Prime?
- A: 232,582,657 - 1*. (solved by Kevin G. Dannerson)
- Question #4: What bible passage most resembles this set of questions?
- A: Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. (Okay, so I can't expect everyone to be mind readers or prophets.)
[edit] A Couple of HaikusSo cool and email, Tropical Afternoon, [edit] A Few More HaikusOriginally I only had a couple of Haikus posted, I now have a few more to post: wow, recent changes From DorianGray: I'll just share this, as it's been on my mind for a while. It's a haiku I made for Super Mario Bros. N S M C sucks. One-legged puppy Often misunderstood. This one's the sequel to another haiku (first time I've heard of haiku sequels): The Homestar Runner. From Mibluvr13: This is my first Homestar related hai-oo-koo, so it's not very good... From Houdin654jeff: Thought you could use another one. A haiku! Haiku'd! Where is level 10? The Chort, you are right. Evil Homestar (My very first Haiku ever, I don't even know if the format is right) I got the answer If you read this poem A rhyming haiku: For even more Haikus see Invisible Robot Fish's Haiku Corner! |