HRWiki:STUFF/Archive/Homsar Main Page

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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] taoB

When the Downloads boat goes by backwards, the boat horn sound is backwards too.

From: Homsar Main Page
Posted on: 16:28, 8 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's true, but not blaringly obvious.

Arguments against:

Additional comments:

  • Someone needs to check this out.
    • I just checked it out, and it sounds backwards to me (the reverb is before the horn in the "normal" version (that is, the version on the page), and after it if you reverse the sound in a sound editor).
  • Can we compare it with the boat on Main Page 3? That should presumably be forwards.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. Conchris
  3. Joshua
  5. Master Ju
  6. DorianGray
  7. BazookaJoe
  8. Point7Q
  9. Ramrod
  10. aaronak
  11. Trey56

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[edit] Gone With the Games

Notice that when you roll over the "Games" link and roll off quickly, Homsar's hat will jump up and then momentarily disappear.

From: Homsar Main Page
Posted on: 23:10, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The glitch is that if you move off the button early, the Heavy Lourde doesn't fall. Homsar's hat disappears just as the Lourde would have obscured it, since there is no need to animate it while it's hidden.
  • All of the other buttons besides this one complete their cycles normally, even if you move off the button early.
  • The main point here is that when you move the mouse off the button, the Lourde gets canceled, but Homsar's speech and hat movements keep going (up until the hat disappears), which leads to the glitch. If TBC had animated the hat even when it was behind the Lourde, then we wouldn't notice anything wrong.
  • Things like this are interesting.

Arguments against:

  • It's not a glitch, the animation stops and resets when you move off the button.
  • Flash glitches clutter the Main Pages and aren't very interesting.
  • This isn't the only main page that cancels an animation with similiar effects when you move your cursor off the button.

Additional comments:

  • This is a glitch, not a Flash artifact (the latter only happens when you manipulate the flash file, by using special Flash commands or viewing the .swf). Glitches have their own category in Fun Facts, and ALL glitches are Flash glitches.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. It's dot com
  2. Upset_Your_Balance
  3. Jay (Gobble)
  4. James Craven
  5. Rogue Leader
  6. Joshua
  7. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  8. Svelt
  9. Super Sam
  1. AtionSong
  2. Homestar Coderhomestar-coder-sig.gif
  3. tomstiff
  4. GG Crono
  5. Darkstalker

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