Strong Bad Clock

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The current time is...

Strong Bad Clock is a clock available in the Downloads section of the site. It features an LCD Strong Bad, who speaks your computer's time in your choice of one of three tones:

  • Plain
  • Angry
  • Soothing

You can also set up an alarm so Strong Bad can alert you so you don't miss any appointments.

The application at this time is compatible only with Windows.


[edit] Transcript

[edit] Plain

  • Say Time: "The current time is ...."
  • Alarm: "Baah! Baah! Baah! Baah! Hey, you told me to tell you when it was ...."

[edit] Angry

  • Say Time: "Current time is ...!"
  • Alarm: "Hey stupid! It's ...!

[edit] Soothing

  • Say Time: "Ohh! The current time is ...."
  • Alarm: "Oh, pardon the interruption, but you asked me to tell you when it was ...!"

[edit] Fun Facts

  • The beginning screen reads
Strong Bad's
Time Machine

This fantastic new
application will have
Strong Bad telling you
the time anytime you
want. And sometimes
when you don't!! Even
set an alarm so you
won't miss any of those
made up meetings!!
  • Strong Bad automatically says the time on the hour and half-past every hour. Also, the alarm notification does not loop. For these reasons, the clock is not a reliable way to wake up.
  • Strong Bad Clock does not automatically set the time for Daylight Savings, even if your system clock does.
  • In the zip file, the application is called "Strong Bad's Time Machine".
  • If you set the alarm using a leading zero (for example, 09:30), the alarm will not go off.
  • At 12:00 midnight, the voice setting (plain, angry or soothing) will automatically revert to plain.

[edit] External Links

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