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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="fanstumes19.swf" width="550" height="400">
  <line start="21" end="30" speaker="sfx">zip</line>
  <line start="31" end="38" speaker="sfx">snap</line>
  <line start="39" end="48" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="53" end="110" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">While this technically falls into the much-maligned category of "tapestume",</line>
  <line start="111" end="144" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">or "tapesplay", if you're going to a con,</line>
  <line start="145" end="189" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">you really nailed the face I have to made when I do the Greg voice.</line>
  <line start="190" end="228" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Let the prickly hairs of that pre-pubescent goatee,</line>
  <line start="229" end="243" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">curl your upper lip,</line>
  <line start="244" end="262" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">squint those eyes up,</line>
  <line start="263" end="289" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">and just grunt-sigh each word.</line>
  <line start="290" end="318" speaker="dndgreg">But gentlemen, come back!</line>
  <line start="319" end="358" speaker="dndgreg">It was a fair die roll, I swear!</line>
  <line start="359" end="442" speaker="dndgreg">Oh, on closer inspection, this appears to have just been a strawberry fruit gusher.</line>
  <line start="445" end="451" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Late 90's CG Snackbomination'd!</line>
  <line start="452" end="462">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Late 90's CG Snackbomination'd!</strongbad>
  <line start="463" end="488" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Late 90's CG Snackbomination'd!</line>
  <line start="489" end="499" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="505" end="548" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Hey, who knew Marzipan was actually less hideous as a human?</line>
  <line start="549" end="568" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I got a folk song for ya.</line>
  <line start="571" end="578" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">You're the only one that came to this Halloween party at the Rec Center</line>
  <line start="579" end="642">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">You're the only one that came to this Halloween party at the Rec Center</strongbad>
    <sfx>guitar strumming</sfx>
  <line start="643" end="676">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And no one else is there</strongbad>
    <sfx>guitar strumming</sfx>
  <line start="677" end="709">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And nobody brought any chips</strongbad>
    <sfx>guitar strumming</sfx>
  <line start="710" end="742">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And nobody brought any soda</strongbad>
    <sfx>guitar strumming</sfx>
  <line start="743" end="809">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And you can't hear anything anyway because there's a janitor over here waxing the floooooors!</strongbad>
    <sfx>guitar strumming</sfx>
  <line start="810" end="831">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And you can't hear anything anyway because there's a janitor over here waxing the floooooors!</strongbad>
    <sfx>quicker strumming</sfx>
  <line start="832" end="842" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="845" end="895" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Oh, if it isn't Carmen Sandiego Murder Your Family Strong Bad!</line>
  <line start="900" end="932" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">That is certainly a personal twist.</line>
  <line start="933" end="953" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">One could put on a costume.</line>
  <line start="954" end="964" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="967" end="1053" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">It's Biscuitdoughhandsman's international criminal cousin: Loavesofcrustybaguettehandsmonsieur.</line>
  <line start="1056" end="1136" speaker="coachz" voiceover="true">Once-it-again, Loaves-of-crusty-baguetta-hands-monsieur has slipped through our finger-duh-zuh!</line>
  <line start="1139" end="1164" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Is that supposed to be a French accent?</line>
  <line start="1165" end="1175" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="1177" end="1200" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Man, look at these things! It's like we've entered some kinda full-sized Homestar costume renaissance!</line>
  <line start="1201" end="1211">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Man, look at these things! It's like we've entered some kinda full-sized Homestar costume renaissance!</strongbad>
  <line start="1212" end="1232" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Man, look at these things! It's like we've entered some kinda full-sized Homestar costume renaissance!</line>
  <line start="1233" end="1243">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Man, look at these things! It's like we've entered some kinda full-sized Homestar costume renaissance!</strongbad>
  <line start="1244" end="1252" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Man, look at these things! It's like we've entered some kinda full-sized Homestar costume renaissance!</line>
  <line start="1256" end="1263" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Meanwhile Strong Bad costumes are stuck in the dark ages with this guy.</line>
  <line start="1264" end="1274">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Meanwhile Strong Bad costumes are stuck in the dark ages with this guy.</strongbad>
  <line start="1275" end="1302" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Meanwhile Strong Bad costumes are stuck in the dark ages with this guy.</line>
  <line start="1303" end="1309" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="1310" end="1320" speaker="sfx">splat</line>
  <line start="1325" end="1335" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="1336" end="1360" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Congratulations, Humidibot!</line>
  <line start="1361" end="1413" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">You just might be the first character created by the fan costume commentary</line>
  <line start="1414" end="1467" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">to then be showcased as a fan's costume in the fan costume commentary.</line>
  <line start="1472" end="1493" speaker="humidibot">Hey, thanks Strong Bad!</line>
  <line start="1494" end="1547" speaker="humidibot">I was just down here in the basement because it was a little bit damp!</line>
  <line start="1548" end="1596" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">So wait, does that actually mean you've been a de-Humidibot this whole time?</line>
  <line start="1597" end="1624" speaker="humidibot" sfx="true">nervous laughter</line>
  <line start="1625" end="1668" speaker="humidibot">I think you may have just given me an existential crisis!</line>
  <line start="1669" end="1689" speaker="humidibot">'Cause I'm Humidibot!</line>
  <line start="1690" end="1724" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I feel kinda bad for that poor nerd you keep chompin'.</line>
  <line start="1725" end="1750" speaker="humidibot">He tastes like grape juice!</line>
  <line start="1751" end="1761" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="1762" end="1800" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I love seeing these whole-family group costumes, but...</line>
  <line start="1801" end="1838" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">you gotta wonder what the kid that dressed as the King of Town did.</line>
  <line start="1842" end="1883" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"Now, little Parblegreggy, we told you,"</line>
  <line start="1884" end="1921" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"if you drop your phone again and crack the screen,"</line>
  <line start="1922" end="1955" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"you're gonna have to dress up as the King of Town this year."</line>
  <line start="1958" end="1999" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"And if it happens again, so help me you will dress up as Monkey D next year!"</line>
  <line start="2000" end="2010">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">And if it happens again, so help me you will dress up as Monkey D next year!</strongbad>
  <line start="2024" end="2034" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2036" end="2096" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Does anybody else get the feeling that this is a bunch of nuns dressed up as the Teen Girl Squad?</line>
  <line start="2097" end="2159" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">And they're like, secretly meeting in the basement, because the Teen Girl Squad is forbidden fruit.</line>
  <line start="2163" end="2193" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Thanks for heretically representin', ladies!</line>
  <line start="2196" end="2214" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">And get out soon.</line>
  <line start="2218" end="2231" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Er, wait.</line>
  <line start="2232" end="2256" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I'm gonna go look up how nuns work.</line>
  <line start="2258" end="2268" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2269" end="2277" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">too many Homestars, too many Homestars, Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2278" end="2287" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">too many Homestars, Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2288" end="2297" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2298" end="2306" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, too many Homestars, Bubs.</line>
  <line start="2307" end="2315" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">too many Homestars, too many Homestars, Bubs. Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2316" end="2326" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">too many Homestars, Bubs. Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2327" end="2335" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, too many Homestars, <span style="visibility:hidden">Bubs. Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2336" end="2340" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, too many Homestars, Bubs. <span style="visibility:hidden">Bubs.</span></line>
  <line start="2341" end="2350" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Too many Homestars, too many Homestars, too many Homestars, Bubs. Bubs.</line>
  <line start="2351" end="2392" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Is that an Onion Bubs-headed Bubs costume?</line>
  <line start="2396" end="2435" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I don't know if that would get the same enthusiastic reception as Onion Bubs.</line>
  <line start="2436" end="2442" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2443" end="2446" speaker="sfx">crowd cheering</line>
  <line start="2447" end="2462">
    <sfx>crowd cheering</sfx>
    <other voiceover="true">ONION BUBS!</other>
  <line start="2463" end="2483">
    <sfx>crowd cheering</sfx>
    <other voiceover="true">ONION BUUUUBS!</other>
  <line start="2484" end="2501">
    <sfx>crowd cheering</sfx>
    <other voiceover="true">ONION BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBS!</other>
  <line start="2502" end="2512" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2513" end="2527" speaker="sfx">crickets</line>
  <line start="2528" end="2554">
    <other voiceover="true">Onion Bubs... face?</other>
  <line start="2555" end="2570">
    <other voiceover="true">Onion head face?</other>
  <line start="2571" end="2584">
    <other voiceover="true">Bubs and head...?</other>
  <line start="2585" end="2602">
    <other voiceover="true">I don't know, I...</other>
  <line start="2603" end="2622">
    <other voiceover="true">gives me pause, gives me pause.</other>
  <line start="2623" end="2632" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2633" end="2659" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Aah, you unethical monsters!</line>
  <line start="2663" end="2711" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">I can't even comment on what great Homestar and Strong Bad costumes those are,</line>
  <line start="2712" end="2737" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">because you've done the unspeakable!</line>
  <line start="2740" end="2775" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">You crossbred Marzipan with Marshie!</line>
  <line start="2778" end="2796" speaker="marshie">Hey there, Homestar!</line>
  <line start="2797" end="2833" speaker="marshie">I'm your new best girl, Marshiepan!</line>
  <line start="2835" end="2845">
    <homestar>Waah! Real fruit flavor!</homestar>
  <line start="2846" end="2860" speaker="homestar">Waah! Real fruit flavor!</line>
  <line start="2865" end="2875" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="2876" end="2891" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Ah, another <span style="visibility:hidden">"</span>great<span style="visibility:hidden">"</span> Homsar costume!</line>
  <line start="2892" end="2924" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Ah, another "great" Homsar costume!</line>
  <line start="2925" end="2992" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Which means another Homsar quote, manufactured from crap you didn't crop out of your photo.</line>
  <line start="2996" end="3044" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"AaAaA, batten down your red cups, everybody!"</line>
  <line start="3045" end="3106" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">"'Cause my towel rack is nothing but Aqua Net!"</line>
  <line start="3110" end="3128" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Empty soap dispenser... <span style="visibility:hidden">plastic bag.</span></line>
  <line start="3129" end="3143" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Empty soap dispenser... plastic bag.</line>
  <line start="3146" end="3169" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Learn how to use tape better.</line>
  <line start="3173" end="3211" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Make it into those little rolls and stick it under the letter.</line>
  <line start="3215" end="3224" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="3225" end="3264" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Oh no! Mr. Poofers and Old Man Rootbeer costumes!</line>
  <line start="3265" end="3300">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Can't... let them... affect me...!</strongbad>
    <sfx>cosmic sounds</sfx>
  <line start="3301" end="3308">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Mr. Poofers was dabblin' to himself.</strongbad>
  <line start="3309" end="3331">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Mr. Poofers was dabblin' to himself.</strongbad>
  <line start="3332" end="3353">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">More so than most Wednesdays.</strongbad>
  <line start="3354" end="3406">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">"You keep dabblin' like that and you'll plum run out of corn pone!"</strongbad>
  <line start="3407" end="3448">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Thesised Old M. Rootbe... er...</strongbad>
  <line start="3449" end="3459">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">Make it stop!</strongbad>
  <line start="3460" end="3467" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="3468" end="3504" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">That is one highly-decorated member of the Homestarmy!</line>
  <line start="3505" end="3549" speaker="homestar" voiceover="true">It's General Buttweesimo Twicetimes-Removed Shoulderthingies!</line>
  <line start="3550" end="3583" speaker="homestar" voiceover="true">He's rumored to have upwards of <em>six</em> bucks!</line>
  <line start="3584" end="3593" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="3594" end="3630" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Whoa, pretty cool blacklight Strong Bad facepaint!</line>
  <line start="3631" end="3639" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">How did you do the—</line>
  <line start="3640" end="3653">
    <strongbad voiceover="true">AAH! 32 horrors in one!</strongbad>
    <sfx>music sting</sfx>
  <line start="3654" end="3663" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">AAH! 32 horrors in one!</line>
  <line start="3664" end="3720" speaker="announcer" volume="0.8">That's right, make 32 horrors in one with the all-new Strong Bad Blacklight Paint Kit.</line>
  <line start="3723" end="3758" speaker="announcer" volume="0.8">I don't know if it comes with brushes or sponges.</line>
  <line start="3759" end="3778" speaker="announcer" volume="0.8">And frankly I don't care.</line>
  <line start="3779" end="3789" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="3793" end="3846" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Pretty solid Thnikkaman and Modestly Hot Homsar costumes, guys.</line>
  <line start="3847" end="3860" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">You almost make 'em look</line>
  <line start="3861" end="3885" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true" volume="1.2">WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE CHEFS?!</line>
  <line start="3886" end="3907" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">There's some kind of chef wallpaper!</line>
  <line start="3908" end="3924" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">And a chef clock!</line>
  <line start="3925" end="3950" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">And some kind of baker painting thing!</line>
  <line start="3954" end="3968" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">It's too much!</line>
  <line start="3977" end="3991" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="true">Dial it back!!</line>
  <line start="3994" end="3998" speaker="sfx">click</line>
  <line start="3999" end="4010" speaker="sfx">smack!</line>
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