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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="kotpopshow.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="8" end="62" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show!</line> <line start="64" end="122" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show!</line> <line start="127" end="149" speaker="kingoftown">For reals this time!</line> <line start="188" end="195" speaker="sfx">doorbell</line> <line start="196" end="216" speaker="kingoftown" voiceover="voiceover">Somebody get the door!</line> <line start="219" end="229" speaker="kingoftown" voiceover="voiceover">I'll get it!</line> <line start="243" end="281" speaker="chef">Pizza for you, King-a-ding!</line> <line start="284" end="298" speaker="kingoftown">Thanks Chef!</line> <line start="310" end="344" speaker="sfx">piano bit</line> <line start="345" end="365" speaker="kingoftown">Here ya go, boy-o's!</line> <line start="369" end="432" speaker="kingoftown">Poopsmith! Pizza's here! Don't forget to forget to wash your hands!</line> <line start="433" end="450" speaker="sfx">instrumental theme song bit</line> <line start="451" end="474" speaker="kingoftown">Whoo! What is that reek?</line> <line start="478" end="545" speaker="kingoftown">The Poopsmith, you smell like a crapsmith! Have you tried showering?</line> <line start="558" end="568" speaker="kingoftown">Bathing?</line> <line start="581" end="632" speaker="kingoftown">Wearing a baseball cap and putting deodorant on outside your shirt?</line> <line start="660" end="681" speaker="kingoftown">Well, I'm out of ideas.</line> <line start="684" end="695" speaker="kingoftown">Anybody else?</line> <line start="700" end="717" speaker="knight">Have you tried...</line> <line start="731" end="740" speaker="dragon" sfx="sfx">growl</line> <line start="741" end="790" speaker="knight">So, I'm gonna set this thing to sanitize, and it'll burn the stink right off ya'!</line> <line start="833" end="868" speaker="knight">Ooooooh, yeah! This is gonna be awesome!</line> <line start="874" end="886" speaker="sfx">crash!</line> <line start="894" end="918" speaker="blacksmith">Have you tried...</line> <line start="961" end="973" speaker="sfx">shattering glass</line> <line start="982" end="988" speaker="sfx">squealing brakes</line> <line start="989" end="1030" speaker="perfume">Ooooh! Ooh! I've lived a terrible life!</line> <line start="1034" end="1115" speaker="perfume">I was a horrible husband and father! I watched too much sports! AAAAH!</line> <line start="1130" end="1160" speaker="cleric">Have you tried...</line> <line start="1178" end="1242" speaker="cleric">I now pronounce you man and pleasant odor!</line> <line start="1245" end="1278" speaker="sfx">Wedding March plays</line> <line start="1279" end="1322" speaker="sfx">discords</line> <line start="1326" end="1350" speaker="kingoftown">Have you tried...</line> <line start="1355" end="1411" speaker="kingoftown">A little tackle football? Me and The Blacksmith versus The Poopsmith and that shower!</line> <line start="1413" end="1437" speaker="kingoftown">Hut one, hut two, and a hike!</line> <line start="1439" end="1452" speaker="sfx">shattering glass</line> <line start="1453" end="1512" speaker="kingoftown">Way to protect this house, but uh...that wasn't really what I had in mind.</line> <line start="1528" end="1611" speaker="kingoftown">Well beezos, I hoped it wouldn't come to this, but there's only one thing left to do!</line> <line start="1616" end="1632" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">Jumping fun!</line> <line start="1634" end="1660" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">You're jumping through the air.</line> <line start="1661" end="1673" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">Jumping fun!</line> <line start="1699" end="1719" speaker="kingoftown" sfx="sfx">eating noises</line> <line start="1720" end="1787" speaker="kingoftown">Well, you know what I always say, "If you can't beat make The Poopsmith smell good,</line> <line start="1793" end="1837" speaker="kingoftown">join ... beat make The Poopsmith smell good!"</line> <line start="1846" end="1866" speaker="kingoftown">Right? Everybody?</line> <line start="1874" end="1887" speaker="singers" voiceover="voiceover">Jumping fun!</line> <line start="1955" end="2031" speaker="kingoftown" voiceover="voiceover">Whoo! Did I say Crapsmith? I shoulda said rotting-Dragon-smith!</line> <line start="2041" end="2074" speaker="kingoftown" voiceover="voiceover">That is ripe!</line> </transcript>