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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <transcript xml:lang="en-us" file="sbemail123.swf" width="550" height="400"> <line start="15" end="77" speaker="strongbad">This email is leaving the station. Please move to the center of the email, and away from the doors.</line> <line start="85" end="133" speaker="strongbad">"Dear Strong bad, I have recently been wondering about the origin of the stick."</line> <line start="136" end="199" speaker="strongbad">"Has it always been a good place for hanging out and making rendezvouuuu-ses?"</line> <line start="201" end="247" speaker="strongbad">"Luke, eww, Claire, why?"</line> <line start="251" end="311" speaker="strongbad">Ugh! Why do you Van Peebles always wanna know the origins and histories of every freakin' little thing?</line> <line start="316" end="356" speaker="strongbad">Like, do you wanna know how Strong Sad got his belly button, too?</line> <line start="378" end="398" speaker="lilstrongbad">Oh, awesome!</line> <line start="399" end="416" speaker="sfx">drill revs</line> <line start="421" end="456" speaker="strongbad">Or, like, the origin of Bubs' Concession Stand?</line> <line start="464" end="523" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Señor Havin' A Little Trouble and Mr. Bland were by far the most popular characters.</line> <line start="534" end="571" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">Then, they were crushed by a falling Bubs' Concession Stand.</line> <line start="578" end="591" speaker="bubs">Hot time!</line> <line start="593" end="604" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">said Bubs.</line> <line start="611" end="648" speaker="strongbad">Well, I'm not gonna show you those things. Or the origin of the stick.</line> <line start="653" end="694" speaker="strongbad">But I will indulge your curiosity about the stick's hangingoutitude.</line> <line start="698" end="743" speaker="strongbad">It currently rates a 10, but such was not always the case.</line> <line start="746" end="823" speaker="strongbad">Like when Homestar used to hold his weekly bread sing-alongs, we avoided that place like the plegg!</line> <line start="830" end="845" speaker="strongbad">Er, plague!</line> <line start="847" end="939" speaker="homestar">And bread is a good time for me, woo-doo-doo-loot-doo, singing, bread is a good time for everybody!</line> <line start="940" end="983" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">We sure sniped that problem right between the eyes from three hundred yards</line> <line start="984" end="1035" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">by scheduling The Cheat's rhythmic chain dancing recitals to the same time and place.</line> <line start="1040" end="1104" speaker="homestar">I cut the crusts off in the morning light...</line> <line start="1105" end="1116" speaker="strongbad">He's quite good.</line> <line start="1119" end="1142" speaker="strongmad">SUCH GRACE!</line> <line start="1149" end="1197" speaker="strongbad">After a couple of minutes, the popularity of Homestar's sing-alongs faded</line> <line start="1199" end="1226" speaker="strongbad">and Strong Mad ate The Cheat's chainwhip.</line> <line start="1230" end="1268" speaker="strongbad">So that's when the stick became a great place to spraypaint Marzipan.</line> <line start="1277" end="1306" speaker="marzipan">To me, this is something that losers would do.</line> <line start="1310" end="1336" speaker="strongbad">Oh, this is gonna be my freshest piece yet.</line> <line start="1343" end="1370" speaker="marzipan">Strong Mad, that looks like cooking spray.</line> <line start="1374" end="1407" speaker="strongbad">What?! Aw, that's some neva-forgive action right there.</line> <line start="1413" end="1461" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">But spraypainting people isn't very much fun when they stand there and make fun of you.</line> <line start="1465" end="1516" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">So I super-glued her to Chhh-Homsar... aaand left them for dead.</line> <line start="1520" end="1543" speaker="marzipan">Ooh, I think I hear wolves coming.</line> <line start="1549" end="1593" speaker="homsar">AAAaaaAAh'm the human wedgie!</line> <line start="1594" end="1668" speaker="homestar">Don't ask me why, pumpernickel and rye.</line> <line start="1671" end="1732" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">In order to properly leave them for dead, and not keep hanging around them for dead,</line> <line start="1738" end="1793" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">we relocated to behind Bubs's and started calling ourselves the On Point Kings.</line> <line start="1798" end="1820" speaker="strongbad" voiceover="voiceover">We di'n't take no guff from nobody!</line> <line start="1823" end="1861" speaker="strongbad">Hey man, I know what it means. I was just seeing if you knew.</line> <line start="1864" end="1877" speaker="thecheat">frustrated The Cheat noises</line> <line start="1879" end="1910" speaker="strongsad">Have you guys seen my moleskin journal?</line> <line start="1912" end="1946" speaker="strongbad">You want another belly button there, Harry Elephanté?</line> <line start="1947" end="1956" speaker="sfx">drill revs</line> <line start="1957" end="1987" speaker="strongsad">Waah! No sir! Heck no at all!</line> <line start="1996" end="2025" speaker="strongbad">Man, did you guys see me refuse to take that guff?</line> <line start="2028" end="2068" speaker="strongbad">I flat out rejected it! That guff never even had a chance!</line> <line start="2073" end="2112" speaker="strongbad">Ah, that's what being an On Point King is all about.</line> <line start="2115" end="2167" speaker="kingoftown">I hear somebody mention a pointy king? Doink, doink?</line> <line start="2168" end="2182" speaker="strongbad">Heck no at all!</line> <line start="2185" end="2253" speaker="strongbad">So ya see Claire, if it weren't for the stick, and Marzipan's considerable resistance to death,</line> <line start="2255" end="2314" speaker="strongbad">the On Point Kings may never have stolen the King of Town's dunce cap and renamed it Lotionman.</line> <line start="2318" end="2355" speaker="strongbad">D-don't ask, it was Strong Mad's idea.</line> <line start="2359" end="2393" speaker="strongbad">Well, I hope that makes you not email me anymore.</line> <line start="2404" end="2415" speaker="thepaper">Preeeeow!</line> <line start="2425" end="2524" speaker="homestar">And bread is a good time for me, woo-doo-doo-loot-doo, singing, bread is a good time for everybody!</line> <line start="2538" end="2607" speaker="homestar">I cut the crusts off in the morning light...</line> <line start="2624" end="2710" speaker="homestar">Don't ask me why, pumpernickel and rye.</line> </transcript>