Talk:Multi-Function Dragon
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Um... this may be just me, but I see almost no referance to Dijjery-doo. Theres a tiny bit of resembalace, (like the fangs,) but I'm not sure it's worth commenting on. — talk Bubsty edits 01:42, 3 Oct 2005 (UTC)
Wait a minute: If the Blacksmith hit instant death, is the dragon dead forever? --Jangles5150 12:56, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, it's dead forever, but it may only be dead forever for now. Other characters have been killed, but got better. --phlip TC 13:02, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Also, it's actually the Knight that hit Instant Death, so what would happen if the Blacksmith had hi instand death ain't important. But that's just me pickin' nits.--A Trendy Tote Bag 03:27, 1 March 2007 (UTC)