Talk:Trudgemank Visuals

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[edit] starting to move

This is off to a bad start, but at least the page has been created. User:Chipwich

No one seems to care
True. Someone get going on this!! --Das654 19:37, 22 August 2008 (UTC)

I move that this article be merged with the main article. There is no reason to have a separate lyrics and visual page for each music video. Also, I think the precedent is clear with previous music video pages that combine the lyrics and visuals together. --Foolster41 08:05, 27 August 2008 (UTC)

The visuals page makes it far easier to see the lyrics and visuals as separate entities. It's a much better, more organised way to see things. Putting the lyrics and transcript together makes it much more difficult to even recognise what each lyric is, to be able to spot individual lines. This page needs work, true, but that does not mean it should not be. --DorianGray 08:22, 27 August 2008 (UTC)
I realized after the fact that I was wrong about precedent and that it is done the way it's being done. You're right about the lyrics clarity thing and being more organized with two pages. Carry on. --Foolster41 20:44, 27 August 2008 (UTC)
They arent processing the progress and its worst then the other music videos... -- POM Z 4:05, October 16 2008 (UTC)
I dunno what any of that means! And i don't see a complimentary spit bucket either! — Defender1031*Talk 19:39, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
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