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This template automatically creates a header for each toon or Strong Bad Email. Note: Currently only allows for up to 14 characters and places.

[edit] Usage

| char1 = First character to appear in the toon
| char2 = Second character to appear in the toon (and so on)
| char2ee = When a character only appears in an Easter egg, add a "char#ee" tag and make it equal to any value
| place1 = First location to appear in the toon
| place2 = Second location to appear in the toon (and so on)
| place2ee = Again, for locations that only appear in Easter eggs, add a "place#ee" tag and make it equal to any value
| comp = For Strong Bad Emails, the computer used (don't include for other toons)
| weekday = Day of the week the toon was released
| year = Year toon was released
| month = Month toon was released (as a two-digit number; ie. January would be "01")
| day = Day of the month toon was released (also as a two-digit number; always include the leading zero)
| runtime = Time the toon takes to run
| pagetitle = Title of the page
| dvd = Name of the DVD on which the toon appears
| dvd2 = If it appears in a second DVD, use the dvd2 tag to mark the second


(from boring (really))

| char1 = Strong Bad
| char2 = Bubs
| char3 = Homestar Runner
| char4 = Strong Sad
| char5 = Coach Z
| char6 = Pom Pom
| char7 = The King of Town
| char8 = Homsar
| char9 = The Poopsmith
| char10 = Pom Pom's girls
| char6ee = very yes
| char7ee = very yes
| char8ee = him too
| char9ee = yup
| char10ee = them too
| place1 = Computer Room
| place2 = Bubs' Concession Stand
| place3 = The Stick
| place4 = King of Town's Castle
| place4ee = very yes
| comp = Lappy 486
| weekday = Monday
| month = 06
| day = 06
| year = 2005
| runtime = 4:40
| pagetitle = Lappy 486
| dvd = strongbad_email.exe Disc Five
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