From Homestar Runner Wiki
My claim to fame: I created one of the weekly fanstuff images in August 2007. It was a stylized "Trogdor" made entirely in Armored Core 4's emblem editor (the PS3 version). I used (and still use) it as an emblem on a number of my mechs. Pic 1 Pic 2
How I found Homestar Runner: I used to work at a Fox station in Alabama, and one of my co-workers emailed me a link to the SBEmail "Local News" on a lark. After I finally stopped laughing (working in TV really made that one strike a nerve) I went to the main site and checked out the other SBEmails, and long-format toons. I was hooked.
My favorite toon: There are so many that I like ("Local News", and "Dragon" are easily at the top of my list). But my all-time favorite has to be "Homsar". It's so simple and straightforward. The cartoony violence of a squashed Homsar never fails to make me smile. Reminds me of when I was a kid and no one made a big deal about cartoons being chock full of animated violence. Classic stuff!