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Hello, folks. I'm a longtime enjoyer of HSR, illustrator/cartoonist, infrequent enjoyer of poutine and vanilla cola, and an Eric.

My works can be found at these locations:

Colors! Live

Also, set me share with you something about Pom Pom's 3D model here:


Upon close inspection, one can notice something funny about Pom's outline around his waistband and limbs. It doesn't quiet intersect, does it. There's a method to get outlines on 3D models without shaders (I'll keep it brief): copy the model, then expand, invert and color/darken the copied model. By the way, this method does double the number of polygons, vertices, etc.

I heard of this years ago from a video with a blocky car model, and if I could recall that video's location I would share it.

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