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[edit] Who I Am

Umm...Hello...I am kevinqre. The QRE stands for Quirky Realistic Elastic. I think. So, uhh... I like StarFox alot. I love Krystal. No, seriously. Don't bug me about it. I hate Slippy. And uh...Well, if you don't believe me about Krystal, look at her. Wow. What a hottie. The Hottie that is Krystal

[edit] Okay Trolls...

Beware. I can easily change this page back to the way it was. Using a simple thing called a Word Document. I have currently killed 0 Trolls

[edit] Teh Starfox Section

Hello... This is my StarFox section. All StarFox all the time. Personnaly, I suggest you go here.Yeah, so... If you see me on the boards, I'll either have a Wolf Avatar or Krystal one. So....I'll add more later.

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