
From Homestar Runner Wiki

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hello! my name is Nightcat! I love homestarrunner and it is my favorite site, so i thought it is cool that hrwiki is a whole organazation dedicated to documenting it.
I was the one who sent strongbad the email Animal. When I saw it, I was so glad! that was the first time one of my emails to strongbad has ever been published!

check out my site some time at!


[edit] Interests

[edit] Computers

My Computer talents are:

  • HTML
  • Perl
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • AppleScript
  • C/Objective-C

and other general computer skills, especially Apple Mac OS X and Unix.
I think that's It. (phew!)

[edit] Books

Actually, I learned all those computer skills from reading books

I like all kinds of books! Fiction, Fact, Almost anything else!

[edit] Music

I LOVE Music!
I play:

  • Electric Guitar
  • Viola (It's like a violin but slightly bigger and slightly lower)
  • Piano
  • Drums (sort of)
  • Recorder

I also LOVE the band U2 and Green Day is ok.

I am also very smart in school. (I won't tell you my age for security reasons, but it is between 8 and 12.) So please don't call me nerd or dork. I already get teased enough for being "Too Smart" or "Too Tall" and stuff like that. so...bye!

[edit] Things i'm proud of

  • i sent Strong Bad the email "Animal", as I said at the top of this page.
  • I have a CPAN acount under LINC, or Nightcat. you can find it here.

here is a character that I drew one day. his name is Skletch, and he is unintentionally based on sterrence.
isn't he cute? (well, like it says, he's actually cuter, I'm just bad at drawing in computers.) Image:skletch.png


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