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No offence, but really, you guys take H*R to seriously, i mean its H*R its supposed to be stupid so dont ruin it with big words, now as an honors student I like big words as much as the next guy, but unless its used as a joke, IT SHOULD NOT BE ON HOMESTAR! (again no offence, i love this website, but seriously)

now onto me!

My fav email is probably virus or animal

my favorite quote is:


my favorite characters are: Homestar, all of the brothers strong, Pom-Pom,The Cheat, and bubs.

My Fave minor characors are: The cheat commandos and blue laser, Trogdor, Dripping Yellow madness (if he even counts cause you never really see him, but his name is cool), Sterrence, all 20X06 charactors, Rather dashing, Vector Strong Bad, sickly sam, and Da Huuuuuuudge.

Im kinda new to this so i dont have any fancy GIFS (or however you say it) or any other flashy things. so if anyone wants to help me out they can just say so an my talk page, (but first tell me how to find my talk page.)

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