User talk:Oppy

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[edit] Welcome to the wiki! The coolest place in the world!

Hey! Thanks for joining the wiki! I assure you, pretty much everyone likes seeing a new user join the wiki, so no matter what you'll be treated well here. If you need any help with editing, users, or anything else ask anyone you want on the Welcoming Committee (like Seriously (Talk) 17:35, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

Here are some things to help you get started:

  • Don't know how to edit? Don't know how to do, well.....anything on the wiki? I know, I was like that too. Just check out the help page.
  • Before you do much serious editing on this site, the best thing you can do is visit the standards for doing so.
  • If you want to create a user page, make sure you visit This page. That way, people will love your userpage.
  • If you're bored, or you just want to know what to do to help the wiki, visit The Stick.
  • If you're looking to just hang out with all the extremely cool people on this wiki, you might wanna check out the wiki forum. Cool place. If you want a more relaxed environment for chilling with users, check out the IRC channel.
  • Above all when on the wiki, be Bold and have fun!

Feel free to delort this message when you are done reading it. After all, your userpage belongs to you. Have a fun time on the wiki, and thanks for joining!

Seriously (Talk) 17:35, 7 February 2006 (UTC) and everyone else on the wiki.

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